The US won the physical war but lost the soft war to Russia.
The US is being couped, and we need to dethrone them before it's too late.
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The US won the physical war but lost the soft war to Russia.
The US is being couped, and we need to dethrone them before it's too late.
the amount of Fascist, Jingoistic shitposting that favors either Republican or Russian propaganda on social media is STAGGERING. The people arguing for it are more concerned about bathroom gender signs, DEI, wokism, and a bunch of other made up stuff, and not only are they oblivious that their country is being taken over by a foreign aggressor, THEY ARE PROUD OF IT. Because "at least the Russians kill the gays"
We are in this position we are today, because Russia has been waging an information war against NATO countries for 15-20 years. and the seeds they planted during the days of Georgia and Crimea, are blooming into fruit now.
The free world is AT WAR with Russia, and for the time being, America has been conquered. Victory from the jaws of Defeat, for the Russian mafia
What is there to negotiate? If all the russians leave ukraine, ukranians will probably stop shooting them...
If Russia withdrew their troops, there would be peace immediately.
If Ukraine withdrew their troops, Ukraine would be no more - and there’s no indication Russia would stop there.
Fool me once, shame on me, fool me 20 times and I should sign away half my country's mineral wealth for no guarantees and no gains...