I use Unix pass and KeePassXC before that. When I was switching I shared the concern of the names and structure of my passwords . A couple things convinced me it was fine.
First: It’s an arbitrary folder structure. You can name the folders whatever you want. Same is true for individual files. There is a field you can populate with the url the password is for, and when using browser extensions, or a mobile Unix pass manager, they use this field to check which password to offer, so the name of the encrypted file can be anything and so I often name them seemingly random things.
Second: how I chose to sync them made it kind of a non-issue. Some people literally store their password store folder on GitHub. This freaked me out a bit for the reason you are concerned, people even knowing the names of my files. The solution was to self host a git repo on my home LAN and then using Tailscale sync my devices to it from anywhere. Could also be done with syncthing, but the mobile app I use has git functionality built in. This way none of my files even touch the clear net, so I worry a lot less about people knowing the names of my passwords.