It's never Lupus!
Dr. House anime? Let's go!
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It's never Lupus!
Dr. House anime? Let's go!
So, the first episode set up a bit of an interesting mystery, and did some work to establish our characters. I went ahead and made the discussion thread for episode 2 where I will talk about the resolution of the mystery. Ending the first episode with the reveal that the T-Rex is what was used to sever the leg was a pretty good hook to get me to watch the second episode, if nothing else than to learn through what convoluted process that may have happened.
Welp, here's the first anime of the season that I will be continuing.
I dislike being kept in suspense, so I will probably binge it towards the end of the season along with The Apothecary Diaries.
Does anyone remember Beautiful Bones? I get the same vibe here but a bit more formulaic. I also don't like how they treat the watcher like they're braindead. That "twist" was projected so loud that it killed all the aha-moment for me which those type of stories are dependent on.
Lol literally one character that isn't a cop or doctor is introduced, I was shocked it turned out to be him 🙄. I'll give it another couple episodes but if they're all like this then I'm out.
Careful since this is just the first episode discussion thread (I went ahead and created the episode 2 discussion thread here). I am hoping that this is like a tutorial mystery to help establish the characters and dynamic and that they will ramp up from here. If not, then people should just watch Apothecary Diaries instead this season as it would be the much better mystery show.
The first two episodes of this show released together. So, as is the custom, the AniList api that the bot uses doesn't list episode 2. If you want a discussion thread for episode 2, I can make one. Just let me know.
I really liked the attention to medical details, reflecting the author's experience as a practicing doctor (I didn't know it, I discovered it while searching about the anime). The studio Project No.9 is doing a good job with the animation, presenting solid direction and an engaging narrative that convincingly combines medical elements and mystery
wait, there's no group scanlating the manga or novels‽