Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Touhou 8: Imperishable Night.
I earned my first-ever 1CC there three days ago, on the Easy difficulty (ignoring the perennial "easy modo" memes within the games' fandom), and slowly but surely, I'm learning both the fundamentals and the strategies towards passing various stages and spellcard patterns; hopefully, with enough practice, patience, and a bit of foresight, I can move up and do another 1CC on Mormal (both Finales), either with the Border or Netherworld team.
As for everything else, I found myself enthralled with the lore, story, and the music in this game, as if it were timeless, in a way. I'd say I like Eirin's boss theme the most, befitting for someone who's lived through time and knows everything diligently.
I dunno if I just discovered them but I was playing Sexy Parodius and Harmful Park. I'm really bad at both.
So as it turns out the original FlatOut is a very different game from it's sequel, and is a pretty unique and complete game of its own.
Echoes of the past!
incredibly fun.
I've only been playing a few hours, but I am having a blast.
Zen Pinball 2 on PS Vita. Got every single table, played few dozen and still got a ton left.
Project Borealis Prologue. Not patient at all.
But also Silent Hill 2 Enhance Edition.
I just started Lair of the Clockwork God and I think it's definitely worth a look. You play as two characters, one who is "point and click" (can't jump, only move and interact) and the other is a platformer (can jump, can't interact). It's pretty interesting, and the puzzles have been fairly easy but still cllever.
War Thunder Ground Arcade Battles is fun on team voice chat.
Half Life 2... The price was right!
Started Trauma Center 2 and 7th Dragon 2020, both sequels to games I played last year. The first one I only played for 10-20 minutes so far though, the latter would probably be unbearable without turbo mode via emulation. Actually, 7th Dragon DS already was, but the story and setting is mildly neat, and I might be hungry for games with more party building. If you fast forward to the dragon/boss fights it's alright.
Intoxicated driver, free on steam Just good stupid fun
Haven't played it yet, but just got the copy of Ratchet & Clank Future Tools Of Destruction in the mail today. Looking to hopefully start at least a little bit over the weekend.