This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/RockManRK on 2024-09-11 20:37:00+00:00.
Hello, everyone!
I'd like to present a project I've developed that I think might interest you: a dashboard to visualize and analyze data from the Linus Media Group channels.
I often hear Linus mentioning channel metrics on the WAN Show, so for a portfolio project, I decided to create something focusing on data that I'm curious about, and hope you are too.
The dashboard includes interesting data such as:
- Evolution of general metrics over the years
- Comparisons between the various LMG channels
- Statistics about the WAN Show
- And even data showing some of the impacts caused during last year's controversy
I'd like to invite you to take a look. You can access the dashboard here: LMG Analytics Dashboard
Constructive feedback is very welcome..., and if it's not constructive, at least make it funny! Suggestions, questions, or errors you find, please share.
Some important notes:
- The experience is optimized for desktop (doesn't work well on mobile yet)
- There are some limitations in the public data provided by YouTube
- I'll try to keep the data updated as much as possible
- This is a personal project, with no official connection to LMG
I hope this tool is as interesting to you as it was gratifying for me to develop.
Best regards to all!