What the hell? This literally never happens to me. You don't need a bidet to not get shit visibly smeared all over your underpants and asshole.
Bikini Bottom Twitter
Are ya ready kids?!
Not visibly, no. But you can smell it so it's there. Let's put it differently. If you had shit smeared on your arm would you wipe it off wit paper and leave it at that or would you wash it with water and soap?
How did you shit the front of your pants?
Nominally, that’s day two position.
How is stuff like this so relatable to people? I remember skid marks but as an ancient memory from early childhood. Is it that common today?
To paraphrase Sarah Silverman, I'm not clean until I'm two knuckles deep and the paper is white.
Wouldn't his underpants need to be square as well? His show name is Sponge Bob's Square Pants, after all. Or maybe those aren't his underpants he's sniffing...
Also, since I think of it every time I see SpongeBob, I just want to let others know that his name translated to Spanish is "Esponja Beto Pantalones Quadrados".
Sponge Bart Pants of Quadrilateral Style?
Pretty much. Except Beto is the nickname for Roberto in Spanish, just like Bob is the nickname for Robert in English.
Interesting, I'm mostly around Cubans and they call their Roberts Robe. But I've heard that Cubans hate the endings of all words and names are no exception.
Yeah, I think that's more just actually saying "Robert", but with a heavy accent.
In German he's called "Spongebob Schwammkopf", meaning Spongebob Sponge Head.
Petah ?