We now have four main players: Quilt, Fabric, Forge and NeoForge
Please lets not make a compatibility nightmare.
The home for all posts related to the Minecraft franchise: from the classic game to the mobile ports, mods, adventure games, merchandise and similar!
Lemmy.world hosts an official server that welcomes all players to contribute and have fun:
Minecraft Version: 1.20.x
Address: minecraft.lemmy.world
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2: Posts must be related to the Minecraft franchise.
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PC Gaming: !pcgaming@lemmy.world
Games: !games@lemmy.world
PC Handhelds: !pchandhelds@lemmy.world
Minecraft modding: !moddedminecraft@sopuli.xyz
We now have four main players: Quilt, Fabric, Forge and NeoForge
Please lets not make a compatibility nightmare.
I've been out of the Minecraft modding community for............. ever and I honestly have no idea where to start, especially now with forge controversy. I want to play the create mod. Does anyone have tips, tricks or tutorials?
@stephfinitely @Astrealix honestly just use the fabric version avoid whatever forge is doing and enjoy yourself on fabric my server runs fabric with 1.19.2 create mod works fine is fun all you need is the fabric loader, fabric api mod and the create mod and that's basically it
I concur. Fabric is far more performant and switching back to Forge is no longer tolerable for me.
I am not sure if NeoForge will aim to be more peformant.
I never heard of NeoForge before
That's cuz it was born yesterday lol