this post was submitted on 08 Sep 2024
32 points (97.1% liked)

Climate Crisis, Biosphere & Societal Collapse

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A place to share news, experiences and discussion about the continuing climate crisis, societal collapse, and biosphere collapse. Please be respectful of each other and remember the human.

Long live the Lützerath Mud Wizard.

Useful Links:

DISCORD - Collapse

Earth - A Global Map of Wind, Weather and Ocean Conditions - Use the menu at bottom left to toggle different views. For example, you can see where wildfires/smoke are by selecting "Chem - COsc" to see carbon monoxide (CO) surface concentration.

Climate Reanalyzer (University of Maine) - A source for daily updated average global air temps, sea surface temps, sea ice, weather and more.

National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center (US) - Information about ENSO and weather predictions.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) Global Temperature Rankings Outlook (US) - Tool that is updated each month, concurrent with the release of the monthly global climate report.

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System - Government of Canada

Surging Seas Risk Zone Map - For discovering which areas could be underwater soon.

Check out our sister sub for collapse-related memes and silly stuff, Faster Than Expected!

Alternative community on Reddthat

If there are any links you think are important that should be added to the list, please send a message and let me know.

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Supoli FAQ

founded 1 year ago
  • The prospect of water wars is a long-running and active debate, with everyone from high-ranking U.N. officials to renowned hydro-politics experts voicing their concern about the perceived risks.

  • Growing competition for water in already arid areas, alongside the compounding effect of climate change, has led to a flurry of water-related headlines in recent months.

  • Francis Galgano, an associate professor at the department of geography and the environment at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, identified nine international river basins as potential flashpoints.

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[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

At least we know that if the US starts a war against water, they'll lose it like they did with every other war lmao