submitted 1 month ago by fukhueson@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
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[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure I used the correct word. If economists need a safe space away from it I am sure their banker friends can pay someone else to build it for them, you know with my money.

[-] oxjox@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 month ago

You’re wrong and ignoring everything you’ve been told to rationalize your feelings and direct your resentment. You don’t get to re-define words because you’re upset.

“Recession” is a specific word based on specific measurements. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/recession.asp

The problem is that you’re angry at the wrong thing. As I said, there’s a lot to complain about and it would be nice if people knew what it was they were complaining about. Like, you’re yelling at Netflix because you don’t like that HBO is now called MAX.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

No you are wrong. You and your economists friends took a word that had a well known meaning and redefined it to get the result that they wanted. Then have the audacity to demand that we all use the definition they created. They can all go and fuck themselves for all I care.

Recession: noun, bad shit happening to poor people for a while.

I get it in a way. They read 1984 and decided "hey this is double plus good way of getting what I want. Rather than deal with the real universe I can just redefine words and declare everyone who disagrees a heretic". Wealthy = scarcity, peace = war, slavery = freedom, and recession = economic boom.

It is so so much easier to just attack people compared to solving issues. I can't wait until the day when your economists friends decide to redefine climate change as normal.

[-] oxjox@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 month ago

K. You're just delusional. Again, thank you for very perfectly illustrating my point.
You're even doing the defensive thing I described when I'm on your side and agreeing with your frustration.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world -1 points 1 month ago

You are not on my side. I care about truth.

[-] oxjox@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago

Dude. You are pointing at the truth as established by linguists and experts in their field and saying it's a lie. You are delusional.

Delusional: characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.

I'm not sure how else to express this again. Everything you are claiming is factual and troubling – aside from it being called or related to a recession. You have all the truth at your finger tips, but you are rejecting it. You are rejecting the truth because you are angry and lazy and find more comfort in your own limited beliefs than someone informing you that you are misinformed. The title of this post is "more than half of Americans think the US is in a recession, it's not" and the article goes on to explain why IT IS NOT and you are rejecting it. You are presenting real world dinner table economics as somehow related to a recession when it is not and never has been.

Please, I sincerely want you to read into this rather than ignore it. Please read about what a recession is and how your real world economics is not directly related to it. I want you to understand you are barking up the wrong tree while right behind you the tree that's relevant to your concerns is on fire. This is going to better inform you so you can support the right politicians and better understand the news (which you evidently are not reading anyway).

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world -1 points 1 month ago

Again with the name calling. We are in a recession. Need me to repeat it?

Tell YOUR economists friends that there is no war in ba sing se.

[-] oxjox@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago

It's upsetting to me that seemingly intelligent people are unable to live in reality. Living in a delusion means a lot of the judgements you make can impact others.

All you have to do is read some words. You could have learned something in a quarter of the time it's taken you to respond to me. You could have spread facts to others like yourself. You've simply chosen to mad at one thing while blaming something else unrelated. All you have to do is direct your frustration towards the group and policies you're mad at. It's very simple.

You're probably pretty smart but you're really coming off here appearing quite ignorant and stubborn. I'm trying to help you remove the nearly transparent veil you're having trouble seeing through. You've rejected a scientific mathematical measurement to make yourself feel better. There's no defending that. Please swallow your pride and take five minutes to read and another five minutes to understand your confusion.

[-] fukhueson@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Despite the valiant effort, I think the user you're responding to is adamant to not understand the premise of the article or what you're trying get across.

[-] oxjox@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

Thank you. I really don't understand how people feel it's okay to reject math and the meanings of words. Moreover, their inability to accept they don't know everything and instead live a life where they believe they're more intelligent than facts and science is a little heartbreaking.

Personally, if I were going around using a word to describe something and someone told me I was incorrect and offered a source, I'd thank them for correcting and educating me.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world -1 points 1 month ago

I know I am double plus ungood for not having blind unseeing faith in YOUR economist friends.

We are in a recession. When the facts, not opinions not definitions, change I will upgrade my assessment. In the meantime I plan to continue to live in the real world, not in the fake delusions of shills for big banks.

this post was submitted on 23 May 2024
124 points (82.6% liked)


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