submitted 11 months ago by Techie@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
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[-] Nevoic@lemmy.world 52 points 11 months ago

Over 85% of Mozilla's income comes from their Google search deal. Google is keeping Mozilla alive to prevent antitrust issues. If Mozilla rocks the boat too much, Google will fund a more obedient alternative.

[-] Goodie@lemmy.world 85 points 11 months ago

So your answer to "Google is evil use another browser" is... if we all swap to Firefox google will kill it?

Google is keeping Firefox alive because 5% of all web users using Google search by default is pretty useful for them.

If you want to avoid that, simply use firefox and set your search to DuckDuckGo/Bing. If Google drops them, Microsoft have already shown a want to step up into that position.

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this post was submitted on 25 Jul 2023
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