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Welcome to the official community for LibreWolf.

LibreWolf is designed to increase protection against tracking and fingerprinting techniques, while also including a few security improvements. LibreWolf also aims to remove all the telemetry, data collection and annoyances, as well as disabling anti-freedom features like DRM. If you have any question please visit our FAQ first:

To learn more or to download the browser visit the website:

If you want to contribute head over to our Codeberg:

founded 3 years ago

Can I clear cookies upon closing LibreWolf and then have it reopen previous tabs upon startup? As I understand it, activating the "Delete cookies and site data when LibreWolf is closed" option also triggers the "Clear history when LibreWolf closes" setting, preventing LibreWolf from restoring the previous session upon startup.


Both seem to be fantastic projects. What are the differences? Which use cases do they respectively excel in? What are their pros and cons? Curious what you think.


I’m specifically trying to find one that fits this shape. They just don’t have a Librewolf icon in the pack.


Hi! i recommend my little cousin to install it via Microsoft Store so he can have it updated all the time rather easy,but he is on version 116 for days meanwhile me and the rest of librewolf users are on 117.0.1

You guys know why is not getting updated there?


@librewolf looks interesting and good to see it has a Fedora rpm as well:


I am currently a LibreWolf user, but I am also aware of Arkenfox User.js, which I am led to believe offers similar features.

Which is better?


I'm testing LibreWolf with a view to moving to it from Chrome, but I've noticed some websites don't work, for example:

Does anyone know why this may be?



I am new to Librewolf and downloaded Multi Account Containers addon along with libredirect, skip redirect and ublock origin. I am currently signed in a container with a Google account and set the URL to always open in that container. However I do not want to allow any Google-affiliated redirecting links to automatically open within that container and sign me in with that account, letting Google know what I had been browsing or searching for even when I would not want them to. This issue is restricting me from making Librewolf my default browser.

How do I make it so that all these links, whether clicked on from somewhere within the browser or an external application, open in a separate container or without a container or in a private window, if possible?


The votes are in, and it was a 12 yay and 0 nay vote in favor of moving. We're going to look at the ticket system first, and we're already mirroring repositories on . We'll keep ya posted:)


I know that Librewolf ships with privacy-enhanced defaults, but what will I lose in terms of privacy if I launched a Librewolf profile in Firefox?


I just switched from firefox to librewolf and I imported the autofill passwords through a csv file, but autofill isn't working when I log into websites (the autofill option doesn't show up when I click into "enter password") and I have to manually copy the passwords from about:logins. How do I fix that?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I'm switching from firefox to librewolf on mac, and when I open the "import data" menu on librewolf I can't find the "import from firefox" option. Screenshot above.


Is there support planned for .apk packages in the future? I would love the idea to switch from firefox to librewolf on my smartphone.


Hi all, please use this issue to vote on moving our repositories away from into The issue can also be used for further discussion... [vote]


On a long participated on forum, I can not update my profile picture! I am sure its due to some setting on Librewolf that I do not understand. Any hint/help is greatly appreciated! (PS I am a 'digital dino' having been around computers since 1969. However the constant 'tech' updating Is leaving me in the dust)

42 allows you to test web fingerprinting. This is a more advanced method of tracking individuals throughout the web without the need of cookies.

~~Mozilla~~ The Tor Project developed a pretty effective ~~toll~~ tool against this called resistFingerprinting. It can be enabled in about:config. LibreWolf has this feature enabled by default. Sadly, it doesn't really work.

On Firefox you can visit in a private window with resistFingerprinting enabled and after closing the private window and visiting again, there will be a new id meaning that you have not been tracked.

~~On LibreWolf you can do the exact same thing but the same id will show up every time. Is there a way to configure LibreWolf to be more effective at resisting fingerprinting?~~

On LibreWolf you can do the exact same thing but the same id will show up everytime. To get the same functionality as Firefox you need to install the Canvas Blocker extension.

Original title of this post: LibreWolf doesn't resist fingerprinting effectively


Outside of the default uBlock Origin, do you use any other extensions that offer privacy benefits? I only have one other extension installed, JShelter, and I'm wondering if this is an overkill or not.


I found both these settings set to False which causes a cpu overload when playing video. Anyone know why?


When I play a video from on LibreWolf it uses 2-3x the cpu that Brave does to play the same video. It also turns on the fans in my laptop which signals overburden. My laptop has plenty of power so I"m wondering what the problem is. Have I missed a setting or is this just how LibreWolf works?


I've had my eye on @librewolf for quite a while and, on occasion, installed it to check out its progress. Inspired by #Chrome trying to take over the internet again, I thought it would be a good time to try the latest version of #LibreWolf and see if it would now suit me as a secondary browser.

I must say I'm quite impressed with v115.0.2-2 and the progress LibreWolf has made since the last time I tried it. I'll be trying it on my #Linux rig tonight to be sure but I think it's now a keeper. 🐺

No posts (
submitted 11 months ago by to c/

Hi, it's very strange, I found your page with posts and it said 1.5k subscribers, and when I joined I am presented with an empty community (0 subscribers) and no posts. I checked many times that I am in the right place so maybe I did something else wrong?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Coming from Fedora to Debian Sid
Now Firefox Sync doesnt work

Update: I also cannot install addons via
After tinkering around i noticed the browser's useragent is set to display as Netscape on Linux, which is strange

I have turned general.useragent.compatMode.firefox to true via about:config and it seems to work, i can use Firefox Sync and use addons now

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