Thanks for sharing about Backrest. I use Restic and Backrest looks like a great addition to it.
I should add the includes step-ca if you want to host your own CA server, but I agree with : it's not necessary for securely hosting services, and ir can be dangerous I'd not done carefully.
I have a similar setup. I use (a configuration manager for Docker, as well as a collection of open source web services and config templates) and have Traefik (reverse proxy) on a Digital Ocean dropet connected to a VM in my home lab through wireguard. This framework allows me to put authentication and authoriation in front of any apps/services I'm hosting (HTTP basic auth, oauth2, mTLS). This setup allows me to control what is allowed access from outside of my home, without opening any ports.
I self-host forgejo. I'm not a heavy or advanced user, and it suits my needs. I barely use github any more: mainly to star repos I like, and find and use repos (there's a ton there - it's almost ubiquitous).
I self-host xBrowserSync. It's a bookmark sync tool, not a link manager, but it does that very well (set-and-forget - it's almost invisible). There are browser extensions and mobile apps
I've also used Shaarli, which is more of a link sharing tool. Don't remember much about it, though - sorry.
I just learned about OpenFreeMap. I've not done it but it touts itself as a simple way to host your own tile server. I'm assuming that your proxy would work for a self hosted tile server with a few alterations.
I think most of the other suggestions seem like a better solution than WordPress, but there is a plugin for WordPress that exports static websites.
When I install qbittorrent via docker, I see this in the docker logs:
That's the default admin credentials for the instance. I can then change the login or pw in the UI.