
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 5 months ago

The second wave of arrests was almost entirely students, because Columbia has been on lockdown and it’s been increasingly difficult for non-students to get in in the first place. The “outside agitators were at fault” narrative that Columbia is pushing is at odds with this.

[–] 29 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Not sure what the use case is for a federated wiki. It lets you... edit a different wiki with your account from your initial one? View pages from other wikis using your preferred website's UI? Know which wikis are considered to have good info by the admins of the wiki you're browsing from?

This is presented as a solution to Wikipedia's content moderation problems, but it doesn't do much against that that wouldn't also be done by just having a bunch of separate, non-federated wikis that link to each others' pages. The difference between linking to a wiki in the federation network, and linking to one outside the federation network, is that the ui will be different and you'd have to make a new account to edit things.

I suppose it makes sense for a search feature? You can search for a concept and select the wiki which approaches the concept from your desired angle (e.g. broad overview, scientific detail, hobbyist), and you'd know that all the options were wikis that haven't been defederated and likely have some trustworthiness. With the decline of google and search engines in general, I can see this being helpful. But it relies on the trustworthiness of your home wiki's admin, and any large wiki would likely begin to have many of the same problems that the announcement post criticizes Wikipedia for. And all this would likely go over the head of any average visitor, or average editor.

I don't know. I'm happy this exists. I think it's interesting to think about what structures would lead to something better than Wikipedia. I might find it helpful once someone creates a good frontend for it, and then maybe the community can donate to create a free hosting service for Ibis wikis. Thank you for making it.

[–] 18 points 7 months ago

This one made me laugh. Most I just find to be novel, silly, or interesting, but a fair few are pretty funny to me.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

You all are going to give me Homestuck flashbacks.

[–] 16 points 9 months ago

No. Extend is the part where they add their own proprietary features to the protocol that create interoperability problems with the rest of the services using the protocol.

[–] 9 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Two of the crabs begin to play chess among themselves

[–] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

No - semantic satiation is when you read or hear a word so much in a short timeframe that it stops feeling like a real word, and briefly feels like just a jumble of letters/sounds.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The pledge of allegiance, not the anthem. But yes, it was every day. Although, where I grew up, it was never enforced, and most kids didn’t stand or participate.


I'm envisioning a hypothetical future where, alongside competing with platforms like Reddit/Twitter/Instagram/etc, federated platforms compete with retail or service-providing platforms like Amazon, Uber, Fiverr, Airbnb, etc, platforms that primarily just serve to connect users to other users and handle transactions between them. Is this future possible or desirable?


Title text: FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.

Transcript [The comic is laid out like a grid, with situations down the left-hand side (mountain lion / lightning / fire alarm / bleeding) and the solutions across the top (stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away / run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle / calmly exit the building / apply firm pressure ). The grid illustrates the "match-ups", with a green square denoting a "correct" match-up and a red square denoting a bad idea.][From the top left corner, going from left to right, top to bottom, with each first item being on its own line in the grid, the squares are as follows:] [Green square, a mountain lion (drawn as a large cat) sits on the left, on a perch. Cueball and Megan have their arms raised and are speaking to it. Lines in front of them indicate they are backing up.] Cueball: HEY. STOP. Megan: SHOO. stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away -> mountain lion [Red square, Cueball and Megan are being chased by a mountain lion, and are running towards a building to their right.] run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle -> mountain lion [Red square, Cueball and Megan exit a building and approach a mountain lion.] Megan: Hello. calmly exit the building -> mountain lion [Red square, Cueball is putting his hands firmly on a mountain lion.] apply firm pressure -> mountain lion [Red square, lightning strikes a tree. Cueball is standing outside, with his arms raised, yelling at the lightning. Lines in front of him indicate he is backing up.] BOOM Cueball: NO! stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away -> lightning [Green square, lightning strikes a tree. Cueball and Megan run toward a building to their right.] BOOM run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle -> lightning [Red square, lightning strikes a tree. Cueball and Megan exit a building and approach the lightning-struck tree.] BOOM calmly exit the building -> lightning [Red square, lightning strikes a tree. Cueball pushes on the lightning-struck tree.] BOOM apply firm pressure -> lightning [Red square, a fire alarm is beeping. Cueball yells at the alarm, with his arms raised. Lines in front of him indicates he is backing up.] BEEP BEEP BEEP Cueball: HEY. stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away -> fire alarm [Red square, a fire alarm is beeping next to a building with flames on its roof. Cueball and Megan run toward the burning building.] BEEP BEEP BEEP run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle -> fire alarm [Green square, a fire alarm is beeping next to a house with flames on its roof. Cueball and Megan are exiting the burning building.] BEEP BEEP BEEP calmly exit the building -> fire alarm [Red square, a fire alarm is beeping, and Cueball is trying to "suppress" the beeping sound. Behind him are flames.] BEEP BEEP BE-eep eep eep eep eep apply firm pressure -> fire alarm [Red square, Cueball is bleeding from his right arm, and holds it. Megan to his right yells at him with her arms raised. Lines in front of her indicates she is backing up.] Megan: HEY! Megan: STOP IT! stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away -> bleeding [Red square, Megan, holding a first aid kit in one hand and a bandage in the other, runs with a bleeding Cueball towards a building to their right.] run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle -> bleeding [Red square, Megan holds a bandage, and to the ground in front of her is a first aid kit. Cueball is walking to the right of the panel, with an injured and bloody left arm raised.] Cueball: Bye! calmly exit the building -> bleeding [Green square, Cueball sits in a chair and Megan is treating him by putting her hands on his injured limb. Behind her on the ground is a first aid kit.] apply firm pressure -> bleeding

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Wars tend to involve civilians getting hurt, because yeah, it’s cheaper and easier to disregard international law.

I wouldn’t generalize that to evil always winning vs good, though. Human life is complicated, and mean, but progress gets made anyway. There’s a reason most people dislike war.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

That's fair, if it's well-advertised by instance admins then it could have like 4x the contributor count.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Smaller canvas, to make it feel less empty and encourage more communication across communities (or competition! >:] )

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