Anti-Corporate Movement

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This community is the first one on lemmy of its kind. It sits between the idea of anarchism/anti-capitalism and left leaning economic policy.

Our goal is to make people aware of the dangers of corporate control, its influence on governments and people as well as the small but steady abrasion of empathy around the world indirectly caused by it.

Current topics this includes but is not limited to:

Feel free to debate this but beware, corporate rhetoric is not welcome here. If you have arguments, bring them on. If its rhetoric trying to defend the evil actions of corporations, we will know and you will go.

Our declared goal so far is to have all companies and individuals worldwide capped at 999 mil USD in all assets, including ownership of other companies, sister companies and marital assets. The reason for this is that companies (and individuals) are not supposed to resemble small(?) countries with a single leader(-board) and shareholder primacy. Thats why we feel like they must be kept in check indefinitely.

But companies will just wander off The argument that large companies will just wander off is valid, which we embrace. We dont need microsoft, apple, google, amazon and other trillion dollar companies. There are small competitors being kept small and driven into brankruptcy by anti competitive behavior of these giants or simply bought up and closed. If starbucks left tomorrow, we would not have an issue with this.

But then we have x little microsofts that all belong to the same person(s) If in fact nobody was allowed to accumulate more than 999 mil in assets, they would not be able to own all these. And like defending agains burglary, it is not about complete defence but time and effort. You only have to keep the thief occupied long enough for them to be caught, give up or make a mistake.

But these giants have tons of IP which would then limit our growth Thats another topic we must touch on. We will (only this one time) take a page out of russias playbook and demand that IP of non complying companies (assets over 999 mil USD) will be declared invalid, which opens them up to be copied.

But then they will "live" in one country that doesnt accept this Correct, and they should be taken into custody the moment they enter the airspace of a country that supports this act.

founded 5 months ago

Just my opinion.

I work in the industry for about 10 years.

At time when I began my career, every year, especially after new year, people collect their end year bonus, then quit, seeking job at another tech company, usually at higher pay rate (a jump in salary), for new graduated, the jump is high, usually 20% to 50%. It always happen every year.

But in recent 2-3 year, thing look bad. Corp layoff at end of year (with parting package instead of end year bonus), and people looking for job at the beginning of new year. Ahhh, something more, those who are layoff usually don't get pay rise at their new post like old day.

Maybe the corp have found the way to turn the bargain in their favor.

What do you think.


We are all about action here so let's get stuff done. Recently, the dma has gone into effect in europe and has provided long awaited tailwind for the people vs. corporations.

I have recently filed a complaint against apple with the european data security office (freely translated) because they are keeping our passwords hostage if you dont buy a mac computer (hahahaha).

So lets mass support every petition that moves the needle further in the direction of people and small businesses instead of "reaganomics" and other crimes against humanity.

I just made this petition and would love for you folks to sign it. Have a good one.


cross-posted from:

Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30


cross-posted from:

Open flames shot upward from four smokestacks at the Chevron refinery on the western edge of Richmond, Calif. Soon, black smoke blanketed the sky.

News spread quickly that day last November, but by word of mouth, says Denny Khamphanthong, a 29-year-old Richmond resident. "We don't know the full story, but we know that you shouldn't breathe in the air or be outside for that matter," Khamphanthong says now. "It would be nice to have an actual news outlet that would actually go out there and figure it out themselves."

The city's primary local news source, The Richmond Standard, didn't cover the flare. Nor had it reported on a 2021 Chevron refinery pipeline rupture that dumped nearly 800 gallons of diesel fuel into San Francisco Bay.

Chevron is the city's largest employer, largest taxpayer and largest polluter. Yet when it comes to writing about Chevron, The Richmond Standard consistently toes the company line.

And there's a reason for that: Chevron owns The Richmond Standard.


This post tightly fits what I want to see in this community. Anti-corporate sentiment and "good news" for non corporate entities.


Hello World!

We have done it! We opened the first openly anti corporate community on lemmy.

The description has been carefully crafted but still needs a lot of work so feel free to suggest additions and give feedback. We will add rules and other stuff eventually.

The discussion in here should remain respectful. People who defend corporations are still people. Please be kind. If they use rhetoric instead of arguments they will be banned anyway.

Please report and kind of trolling and what you suspect as propaganda. Our definition of propaganda is the following:

Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.[1] Propaganda can be found in a wide variety of different contexts.[2]

This is taken from the article. We dont interject if someone is just passionate but if the language they use suggests that they are trying to get around making good arguments, we will.

We're happy to have you here. Feel free to post something.

Have a great day! :)