Random thought that's totally pointless here:
If he took all of his weapons and all of his ammo to a shooting range, and if he prepped to the best of his ability before beginning, how long would it take for him to shoot off all 26,000 rounds, if he tried as hard as he could to fire them off as quickly as possible? By himself, with nobody else helping, just to be clear.
Feel free to throw out best case scenarios.
It absolutely is.
If you recall from 9/11, many people made the decision to jump from those buildings, rather that get burned to death. And by "decision", I mean something fundamentally primal, and not a rational human being weighing the odds.
The drive to survive is strong in us. Fire is I believe at the top of the hierarchy of motivators deeply woven into our brain to avoid.
As another poster said regarding this particular thread, those people very likely succumbed to smoke inhalation before being burned. Not a great comfort, but it sounds preferable to being conscious and aware when the fire closes in.
... I think it's time to go look at videos of kittens and puppies now.