
joined 11 months ago
[–] e-five@kbin.run 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Slime isekai storyboard meeting notes: ~~show don't~~ tell.

I'm going stir crazy from being locked in these rooms.

Now was this Rozzo family ever mentioned before? It always felt to me like a random group out of no where just to pad content. I guess it has ties to the "Merchants" that have been mentioned before but... It gives off the feeling of a random mafia playing politics with demon lords and gods, it feels so jarring, like a Bleach filler arc.

And I guess when they said Hinata is two weeks away, they meant real time. 🫠

Edit: I will say that fireplace looks comfy. I want some nice chairs, a glass of wine, and a roaring fireplace.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 5 points 4 months ago

I saw this and was thinking, that's crazy, why would someone do that.

Then I remembered I'm in like the 8th arc or something of Arifureta. I read a few pages a year. It's the only book I have on my phone so whenever I'm at the mechanic or waiting at the dentist or something I get a few more pages down. Everything after volume 1 has just been "just gotta get to the end. just gotta get to the end." Been that way for at least like five years or more (on this one volume, I mean).

[–] e-five@kbin.run 5 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Any reason MATE over Xcfe? Just curious if the performance is close or MATE is better at things, not trying to question your decisions. I have a >9 year old PC at this point and installed Cinnamon on it but was finding it a bit laggy. I tried out the other editions but am sticking with LMDE for now, but sort of feel like I don't really need nice animations, I just need more CPU for faster compile times, haha

[–] e-five@kbin.run 2 points 4 months ago

Sorry for missing this, seems mention notifications aren't working for me at the moment (hyphens have always been problems but because /kbin allowed them we're stuck with them, even though almost all AP platforms like mastodon and lemmy don't allow them) (we had fixed it four months ago but... I guess something happened since then). Not sure I know much about media uploads but can at least look into it / talk to one of the other team members that usually knows a lot about this stuff.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Could've gone with an Estelle shot to farm that sweet, sweet clickbait😝

[–] e-five@kbin.run 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I guess it might be a good thing I'm not a director since I probably do focus on unimportant things. I just sort of always got the feeling from the source, and I don't think this is a spoiler it's just my feelings, that Root was a very conceited / egotistical kind of person. Maybe I just hallucinated that, because that's where I'm coming from is when the anime doesn't match my expectations of the character. Like I would've expected him to respond to being told someone is stronger than him with "You always were a kidder, Tomoe". I don't know, I feel like he's not really matching with my expectations, especially since people are calling him Luto instead. Like, did they really change that? Why?! It's like taking someone named Kuro that dresses all in black and being like "Actually, we'll translate their name as Jeffrey. Close enough". /rant

[–] e-five@kbin.run 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

I knew as soon as I saw the preview post last week that I was going to have to prepare myself again for the comments on lack of action.

At least there was at least two fights this time, and both involving the main cast! Hey, that's something, right?

I'm trying to imagine what people were thinking when Ilumgand was talking about helping the hero and not interfering with Makoto. Cliché second chance? Then Mio is just "nah"

It's interesting Tomoe says that Root wouldn't be able to scratch Makoto. I feel like we're missing a lot of internal dialogue here, I couldn't quite tell from Root's reaction what he thought of that, did he just say "Interesting" or something? I feel like I remember there being a lot more thoughts in the source material, but maybe I'm wrong. Just feel like definitely feeling the weight of trying to adapt this as there's probably a lot of thoughts being skipped.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I didn't like Hinata when she originally appeared, doubt I was alone there. I like her a lot more here where she's mostly just strategizing, regretting her initial encounter (appearance), and coming to her own conclusions about what is going on.

scene change from source?

So I think they changed the Nikolaus scene? All I remember from the manga is people saying they didn't change it there and that everyone was up in arms about it from, I assume, the LN, but it seems different in the anime?

[–] e-five@kbin.run 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I guess this series has always grappled with people really not liking when it spends time on other characters, like the students here or on the heroes before. I never really minded that too much, like in Overlord my favorite volumes are 7 or 12. Think it helps keep things fresh seeing from another perspective as long as the characters are relatively important, though I guess we haven't really seen any reason to care too much about the students besides the sisters so far.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

To me that was fine, like I sort of interpreted it as: first they tried to let the professional (purple coats) handle things. When that didn't go well it cut to the students pointing and discussing, so I would imagine they were strategizing / buffing (similar to their Blue Lizard fights). Though I guess it is weird to let the enemy (supposedly) power up as well, it did work out in the end, so I'm like, you can't really blame them, maybe they needed that time to win too, we can't say without knowing what would've happened if they didn't prepare.

Edit: Thinking more about it I can agree with you that it could've been better. Even if they didn't animate some generic fight scene in the background I think they could've improved it if they had the casters casting buffs on the frontline while the frontline pointed/discussed in that scene, just to make it seem like they were doing prep work rather than standing around.

I guess I saw a lot of hate on that other site for this episode but, perhaps it's because I've read the source material, nothing here really surprised me, all those scenes (the sisters, merchant, teleporting, king/prince, etc) happened in the novel, which is kind of why last week I said "just one more episode, and then another and another" because I don't really expect the climax of this whole thing any time soon.

The monsters do look a bit goofy, well Ilumgand looked a bit intimidating in some stills, maybe it's just the ED effecting us.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Overall a pretty calm episode. They should have served some tea and cakes. 😆

Fitting that Abelia gets the final blow, though perhaps not how Ilumgand's father would've wanted things to play out?

I did completely forget that it was Root that came up with the sword thing, I had thought it was Tomoe, so it's kind of interesting that he would say that seemingly randomly.

The only thing I disliked was I felt they made the one attacking Makoto look a bit weak. I thought it was meant to be on par with Ilumgand but maybe not, without seeing it eating or wiping out nameless groups I feel like it sort of diminishes him one-shotting it.

[–] e-five@kbin.run 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Rimuru planning to invent the dubstep gun from Saints Row IV (I actually thought this was from Worms WMD but looked it up, didn't realize it was a crossover)

Only round table politics again this episode, they can't keep getting away with this!

Edit: Not to constantly complain as politics and world building can be fun (like Overlord), I think what I dislike is the past few episodes have been a daily stand-up meeting of "Ok Diablo, give us a status update". I'd rather they just like, show us the stuff happening, like do a few episodes from Youm's perspective. Maybe controversial, but I'd rather that then this sit around a room panning stills and talking...

mastermind talk

The whole multi-mastermind thing seems a bit overly complicated and doesn't sound familiar to me at all. Kind of feels weird because I thought Raphael had identified who "he" was instantly in the WN or something like "it could literally only be one person think about what we know and what was said". Maybe I'm just misremembering, past the demon lord part I barely recall much of the story at this point

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