
joined 9 months ago
[–] 14 points 5 months ago

Mal sehen was daraus folgt. UNRWA kriegt ja mittlerweile wieder deutsches Geld und die Bundesregierung trennt sich von der Hilfe Israels. Allerdings ist es natürlich schwer als Deutschland wirklich auf Israel zu schlagen. Palestina anerkennen ginge, aber dort gibt es keine demokratische Regierung.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Wenn meine Mathe richtig ist, sind wir bei 59% Staatsschuldenquote.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

Klingt doch mal vernüftig.

[–] 11 points 5 months ago

Das Problem ist halt das die Braunkohleindustrie in der Laustiz aufhört Braunkohle abzubauen. Momentan wird dafür jede Menge Wasser aus den Tagebauten in die Spree gepumpt, damit sie nicht überfluten. Wenn es den Kohleausstieg gibt, soll allerdings Wasser aus der Spree in die Tagebauten fließen, damit sie zu Seen werden. Sprich doppeltes Problem für den Wasserstand der Spree. Allerdings ist das kein Problem was hauptsächlich wegen des Klimawandels entstanden ist. Zumindest anders als in Südeuropa.

[–] 23 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Germany is just hit by a combination of different factors. Some are bad luck, some are bad politics, but none of them are incredibly dangerous. The gas crisis is solved and gas prices are already at a fairly normal level again, so consumers will get more money from lower energy prices. Currently German has a lot of strikes. Obviously that slows down the economy right now, but higher pay means workers spend more money, which increases consumption, which is currently slowing down the German economy. Global manufacturing is down due to lower demand. This hits Germany badly, due to not only having a large manufacturing sector(manufacturing as a share of GDP is nearly twice as high for Germany then France for example), but also due to Germany being a large manufacturer of factory grade machines. Obviously manufacturing companies invest less, with low demand, so the sector is hit especially hard. A domestic bad policy is the debt brake, which leads to the German government investing too little in Germany.

However the German labor market is strong with low unemployment. Germany can easily borrow a lot of money, if it chooses too and the current "crisis" is about a tenth of the decline Germany had in the great recession of 2009. So chances are this is going to sort itself out and to a large part already has done so. It most certainly is not going to hurt other EU countries especially hard.

[–] 40 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Flying cars are the stuff politicans love, because they do not have to change anything about car centric infrastructure at all, do not have to buitl public transport and only the rich can afford them. We call the helicopters today.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

The EU just looked into the potential for dumping. They were not finished with the process and therefore did not punish CRRC at all.

Also China is not that poor. GDP per capita is only a third less then that of Romania.

[–] 13 points 6 months ago

Most of the world recognizes Palestine. It is really the Western Europe, North America and some other close Western allies which do not. So it will not stop Israel. The way to do that is by force. The good part is that the West is changing its mind on the topic a bit. It also seems like Bibi might not get reelected.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft ist ein Think Tank der deutschen Industrie. Also natürlich wollen die eine wachsende Wirtschaft mit mehr Reichtum für die Reichen.

Ansonsten muss man einfach sagen, dass die deutsche Bevölkerung ohne Zuwanderung um 300.000 Menschen pro Jahr schrumpfen würde. Das liegt einfach da dran das es weniger Geburten als Kinder gibt. Wenn man sich das global anschaut ist es so, dass mittlerweile bei allen Kontinenten bis auf Afrika weniger als 2,1 Kinder pro Frau geboren werden, was bedeutet das langfrisitig die Bevölkerung schrumpft. Ironischerweise passiert das wenn man einen gewissen Grad der Industrialisierung erreicht hat. Momentan sieht es so aus als ob viele Länder um 2050 herum anfangen zu schrumpfen. In vielen Regionen ist das schon der Fall. China, Italien, Japan, Thailand, Bulgarien, Rumänien und viele andere Länder schrumpfen schon heute.

Soll heißen Überbevölkerung ist kein Problem, sondern halbwegs rational mit den Resourcen umzugehen die wir haben. Dazu haben wir die nötigen Technologien und Deutschland hat wirklich viel gute sinnvolle Infrastrukutur in der Richtung.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

The link I gave you is an offical government link from the UK government showing a joined declaration of Germany and the UK calling for a 'sustainable ceasefire'. Germany has furthermore signed a common EU declaration calling for "an immediate humanitarian pause that could lead to a sustainable ceasefire"

The difference is the wording "sustainable" and not "immediate".

So please actually READ the links I post and not just call me wrong. It really helps...


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