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This lemmy instance is a place for discussing all things related to the fantasy light novel series "Ascendance of a Bookworm" (Japanese Title: "Honzuki no Gekokujō") written by Miya Kazuki and Illustrated by Yō Shiina. Regular bookworms are also welcome to register here.

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Nobody reads this far down right? I'll just shill for J-Novel Club a bit because I love that they sell DRM free Ebooks. Go buy the series from their website.

founded 1 year ago

Geez... Being a noble is the height of tedium - Rozemyne

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

Last week began with Rozemyne departing for her rescue mission after waking from a nap. Using rediscovered knowledge from the book of Mestionora, Rozemyne, her retainers, Justus, and Eckhart were able to teleport from the Knight's Order training grounds to Kirnberger with Sylvester's assistance. She then forms her Grutrissheit—much to the surprise of those present—and activates the teleportation room within the country gate. Rozemyne receives a necklace charm given to Sylvester from Prince Sigiswald—proof that Rozemyne is acting with the royal family's permission. She then activates the teleportation circle. Destination: Dunkelfelger's country gate.

Rozemyne meets with the Dunkelfelger archducal family, including Hannelore who will join the fight to clear her disgrace from the bride-taking ditter match. After discussing their invasion plan, Rozemyne joins Dunkelfeger in performing their prefight ritual. They then teleport to Ahrensbach's country gate.

Despite anticipating resistance to their invasion, the Ahrensbach knight's order is nowhere to be seen. Rozemyne's group goes to the temple while Dunkelfelger provides distraction near the castle. Hartmut, Justus, Laurenz, and Matthias enter the temple to subdue the priests, secure permission from the High Bishop to enter the book room, and to check for traps. Meanwhile the rest of the group encounters three Lanzenavians—out on their feystone hunt—which are easily defeated. Once deemed safe, Rozemyne enters the temple's book room and uses the bible key in the Mestionora statue revealing the path to the foundation.

Rozemyne nearly triggers a trap while entering the foundation room. She cautiously proceeds to the foundation and drains some of its mana with feystones. Aided by rejuvenation potions, she then proceeds to overcome the remaining mana and dye the foundation. Their group then frees the priests and meets with Dunkelfelger who have secured the castle. An Ahrensbach noble attempts to persuade Rozemyne to go close the border gate before Lanzenave can flee and save his captured daughter. Rozemyne empathizes with the noble, but ultimately rejects his plea for the moment to instead save Ferdinand. Justus informs Rozemyne the order to administer potions to Ferdinand since he cannot enter the replenishment hall himself. At Hartmut's suggestion, Rozemyne uses waschen to purify the replenishment hall to remove any remaining poison or powder residue. She then takes the box of potions and enters the replenishment hall.

How do you predict the reunion with Ferdinand will go? What do you predict will happen with Letizia and the Lanzenavians? What other story predictions do you have for this week?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ludrol to c/aoblightnovel

crossposted from reddit OOP is u/yeahite

Hiya, just wanted to give a quick update. I've finished creating most of the pubquiz by now. The pubquiz will be divided into 5 different parts, with each part corresponding to a part of Ascendance of a Bookworm. So part 1 of the quiz will mainly be about part 1 of Ascendance of a Bookworm etc. Each part has about 10 questions, so there are 50 questions in total.

One question will take about 1 minute. However, since I will also show the answers and since there are also a couple of breaks, the pubquiz itself will most likely take between 2-3 hours. If you do not have time to participate in the entire pubquiz, don't worry. You can still try to win one of the five separate parts.

You are allowed to work in teams as long as you have a way to communicate with each other that does not disturb the pubquiz itself. Of course you can also join the pubquiz by yourself. For people with social anxiety or that just don't want to talk, don't worry you are not required to talk, just answering the questions is enough.

Don't worry, you also will not have to download any program or app to participate in this pubquiz, besides Discord of course.

P.S. For people that cannot join but still want to try the pubquiz for themselves someday, I will post the pubquiz itself after the event is done here in the subreddit.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

We started part 5 volume 8 with a prologue following Justus. We saw his perspective as Letizia returned his name swearing stone and was told to go. We saw how Justus and Eckhart were able to escape Ahrensbach and make it to Ehrenfest's tea party room at the Royal Academy. There we witnessed Eckhart and Justus's loss of hope and their conviction to follow their lord in death after exacting revenge on the Ahrensbach archducal family. However after meeting with Sylvester and learning of Rozemyne's plan to rescue Ferdinand, their hope is restored. They promise to save Ferdinand no matter what.

In the following chapter we see Rozemyne gathering her retainers to inform them of her impending invasion of Ahrensbach to steal their foundation. She directs various tasks for her retainers to complete and decides who will join her and who will stay in support of Ehrenfest. Rozemyne's own preparations include copying and pasting maps and magic circles from her Grutrissheit. A reunion with Justus and Eckhart occurs upon their arrival after sixth bell.

Hartmut is happy to extol the miracles of Rozemyne's growth to an inquisitive Justus as Rozemyne and Eckhart eat dinner and exchange information. Justus mentions that Ferdinand had a message for Rozemyne: "I entrust Eckhart, Justus, and Lasfam to you. Stay in Ehrenfest and do nothing at all. Upon my death, everything I own will become yours. And as promised, both Ehrenfest and Yurgenschmidt will be saved." Rozemyne refuses Ferdinand's proposition and vows to rescue him regardless. Justus convinces Rozemyne to accept Ferdinand's name to envelop him with her mana thus granting more time before he is completely drained. With Justus's assistance Rozemyne creates a name-stone-enveloping box, puts Quinta's name stone inside, turns it into a cocoon with her mana, and gives Ferdinand the order to live.

The book's cover art has some plot spoilers, but there are still lots of predictions to make. Will Rozemyne's retainers learn the truth about her obtaining the wisdom of Mestionora? What role will Hannelore play? How will the Ahrensbach nobility react to the invasion? What will happen to the Lanzenave envoys? Will Rozemyne encounter resistance or will Dunkelfelger provide enough of a distraction? What will the magic circles she copied from the Grutrissheit do? How will Ferdinand react to being reunited with Rozemyne?

[P5V2] Ditter (
submitted 11 months ago by Deemo to c/aoblightnovel
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ludrol to c/aobmanga
submitted 1 year ago by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

Last week's conclusion of part 5 volume 7 began with a side story following Charlotte when she learns of Rozemyne's disappearance after the Dedication Ritual. We see how Charlotte deals with an excitable Hartmut, an impatient Hirschur, Prince Sigiswald, the Ehrenfest dormitory, and the eventual return of Rozemyne.

The concluding short story is from Leonzio's point of view after the epilogue takes place. We learn of his future plans for Letizia, his relative inexperience with magic, his desire to end the farcical relationship with Detlinde, his desire for power, plans to hunt the nobles siding with Letizia, the three main houses of Lanzenave and their princesses, future plans for Alstede, Blasius, and their daughter, the teleporter between the Lanzenave Estate and the old Adalgisa villa—now remodeled as Rozemyne's future villa, and the relationship between Lanzenave's King Gervasio and Raublut.

This week begins a new volume and a return to the main story. Who do you predict we will follow in the prologue? Do you think Rozemyne's ploy to rescue Ferdinand will go as planned or will there be complications? How will Ahrensbach react to an invasion force from Dunkelfelger?

submitted 1 year ago by ludrol to c/aobwebnovel
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ludrol to c/aoblightnovel

Rozmyne in white coat


Rozmyne in green dress

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ludrol to c/aoblightnovel

Rozmyne sitting and reading a book in red clothes

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

Last week began with the epilogue from Letizia's point of view. We learn that Lanzenave has arrived a season earlier than usual in Ahrensbach and Ferdinand has been busy with Spring Prayer. After Letizia's retainer Roswitha mysteriously disappears, she seeks Ferdinand's help to find her. On her way to meet Ferdinand, Letizia is given strange tasting sweets and a silver tube—which Leonzio suggests she use when consulting with Ferdinand. Ferdinand tells Letizia that Roswitha is missing as part of a an obvious trap and to give up on finding her. Letizia has blurred thoughts of using the silver tube to convince Ferdinand to save her. The silver tube burst with a cloud of white powder that poisons Ferdinand. Ferdinand gives Letizia name-swearing stones to give to Justus and tells them to go. Leonzio and Detlinde later show up to falsely accuse Letizia of murder. Leonzio uses another silver tube to eliminate the guards protecting Letizia. Detlinde details her plans to send Letizia to Lanzenave along with the feystone of her murdered retainer Roswitha.

The other chapter was from Prince Sigiswald's point of view and takes place when Rozemyne disappears after providing mana to the statue of Mestionora in the library. Sigiswald meets with Rozemyne's retainers to discuss her disappearance. They decide to keep her disappearance a secret and use the excuse that she has been bedridden. As time goes on without Rozemyne's return, the royal family discusses alternatives to obtaining the Grutrissheit including having Eglantine visit the shrines now that she completed giving birth and nursing her baby. After yet more time has passed another meeting with Rozemyne's retainers takes place. Hartmut explains his ability to feel Rozemyne's mana growing stronger as a name-sworn and assures Sigiswald that Rozemyne is well. We learn that Fraularm was unanimously decided to be relieved of her teaching role after insisting that Ehrenfest was lying and Rozemyne had ascended to the distant heights. One night Sigiswald receives word that Rozemyne has contacted her retainers and needs to be let out of the Farthest Halls. Sigiwald realizes that Rozemyne has received the blessing of the gods when he sees her changed form. He agrees to Rozemyne's request to discuss the details of her absence during the Archduke conference.

This week will be the conclusion of part five volume seven with more side stories. Who's point of view would you like to follow this week?


Rozmyne clinging to Ferdinand

[P5V7P7][Meme] Free Candy (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Deemo to c/aobprepub
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

Last week began with Rozemyne performing the spring baptism ceremony for the lower city's new seven year olds, including her brother Kamil. Rozemyne has a chance to see her lower city family and Lutz after the ceremony has completed.

Rozemyne is summoned to an archducal family meeting to discuss Ehrenfest's defenses. She is not assigned a particular defensive duty due to the necessity of her leaving for the Sovereignty in the near future.

During the meeting Rozemyne has a vision of Ferdinand being poisoned and paralyzed at Ahrensbach's Mana Replenishment hall in a plot of Georgine's design. The rainbow feystone charm that Rozemyne gave Ferdinand is helping to protect him, but Detlinde puts schtappe sealing bracelets on him and forces his mana to drain into the foundation.

Rozemyne is adamant about saving Ferdinand before all his mana is drained and convinces Sylvester to provide his support. They use the magic tool given to Aubs to have an emergency meeting with Aub Dunkelfelger. Rozemyne explains the situation to Aub Dunkelfelger and convinces him to join in her plan to take Ahrensbach's foundation to save Ferdinand and also to help defend the Sovereignty from Detlinde's plan to take the throne with Lanzenave's support.

Aub Dunkelfelger and Rozemyne discuss the necessary preparations for their battle and decide to meet at midnight at Dunkelfelger's country gate. After the meeting Sylvester receives word that Eckhart and Justus have escaped Ahrensbach and are in Ehrenfest's tea party room at the Royal Academy. Sylvester agrees to contact the Royal Family and other duchies as well as to go meet with Eckhart and Justus. Rozemyne leaves to prepare with her retainers for the coming battle.

This week should see the end of the main story for this volume. What do you predict will still happen? Who's point of view would you like to follow in the epilogue?

[Part 5] Fanart of Ferdinand (
submitted 1 year ago by ludrol to c/aoblightnovel

Ferdninand looking to the left

submitted 1 year ago by Bookmyner to c/aobprepub

Last week began with Rozemyne being measured for new clothes. The seamstresses present who knew her—Tuuli included—were shocked to see how much she had changed. She pledges to protect Tuuli no matter what happens.

Rozemyne meets with Sylvester and explains that their bible key was swapped for Ahrensbach's. They consider their options for protecting Ehrenfest and formulate strategies to that end.

At Hartmut's suggestion, Rozemyne decides to involve the archducal retainers for preparation of rejuvenation potions and magic tools. While in her hidden room, Rozemyne discovers the name stone of Quinta. With the assistance of Hartmut, Clarissa, and Lieseleta, Rozemyne creates three new combat ready shumils using Adrett—a library shumil created by Hirschur and Ferdinand during the last term—as a reference.

What new developments do you predict will occur this week?

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