
joined 1 year ago
[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 41 points 1 day ago

"Corporate meterologists" basically just put pretty graphics on top of NOAA forecasts.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

I used to pay a particular company by purchase order for this exact reason. CC takes 2-3% of the payment, but purchase order - they've got to get themselves into the company system, track the PO, invoice, track the payment...at the time, a common estimate was $50 to process a PO, and if you're only buying $100 batches, that's a big hit. Did not like that company, but they were the only place to get whatever it was I had to buy.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Revenue divided by time is a depressing metric for anyone who starts trying to monetize their hobby, but that's not the point. Do your fun project because it's fun. If you make enough to cash out on Steam, get yourselves some actual trophies. Or pizza. Trying to make money will force you to do all the depressing capitalist things the big studios do, and then it's not fun anymore.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

And X-windows. There's a few server tasks that I just find easier with gui, and they feel kind of laggy over 1G. Not to mention an old Windows program running in WINE over Xwin. All kind of things you can do, internally, to eat up bandwidth.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Wow. I thought I lived in a pretty walkable part of Atlanta. I really only use my car for the grocery or a 'big' shopping trip.

  • Convenience store 2 km
  • Chain supermarket 1.5 km
  • Bus stop 1.3 km
  • Park 300m
  • Big supermarket 2.5 km
  • Library 2.7 km
  • Train (subway) station 1.3 km
  • Downtown Atlanta 13 km
[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

If you're technically inclined, Big Clive has a tutorial for 'fixing' most bulbs not to overdrive the LEDs by removing or changing a single resistor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HTa2jVi_rc

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago

Yeah, it's the screening that's free. If that turns something up, then it transitions to "care."

I've had the same experience with "wellness" check-ups: if I mention some complaint to the doc during the visit, it suddenly becomes "visit with complaint" and costs me $120.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 22 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Fun fact: for people over 45, colonoscopy screening for cancer is always free. If your insurance tries to make you pay for it, report them to your state insurance commissioner or the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. ACA made a lot of preventative medicine & screenings free.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

I'd say colonoscopy, esp if you're over 45, but those are required by law to have no out-of-pocket costs, regardless.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

They only need to throw one or two counties - Fulton or Dekalb - into chaos, and they've got the groundwork laid. After 2020, the legislature voted themselves the power to take over county boards of elections and immediately started investigations to show that Fulton's board were incompetent. The state board now lets and random county official contest certification, more or less guaranteeing chaos and calls for the legislature to take over. Throw out Fulton County, and Georgia goes back to solid red.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 35 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

As an old fart, I actively dislike photorealistic graphics in most cases. I'm playing a game, and I kind of want it to look like a game, which generally means more surrealistic - exaggerated contrast, high saturation, low texture - than realistic. I'd rather play where the characters look like caricatures than my next door neighbor. And that doesn't even go into great games with sprite-like graphics.

Enough is enough. You've saturated the art budget, it's time to pay writers more.

[–] tburkhol@lemmy.world 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Have an updoot, Offspring-fan.


[update, solved] It was apparmor, which was lying about being inactive. Ubuntu's default profile denies bind write access to its config directory. Needed to add /etc/bind/dnskeys/** rw, reload apparmor, and it's all good.

Trying to switch my internal domain from auto-dnssec maintain to dnssec-policy default. Zone is signed but not secure and logs are full of

zone_rekey:dns_dnssec_keymgr failed: error occurred writing key to disk

key-directory is /etc/bind/dnskeys, owned bind:bind, and named runs as bind

I've set every directory I could think of to 777: /etc/bind, /etc/bind/dnskeys, /var/lib/bind, /var/cache/bind, /var/log/bind. I disabled apparmor, in case it was blocking.

A signed zone file appears, but I can't dig any DNSKEYs or RRSIGs. named-checkzone says there's nsec records in the signed file, so something is happening, but I'm guessing it all stops when keymgr fails to write the key.

I tried manually generating a key and sticking it in dnskeys, but this doesn't appear to be used.

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