
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 1 day ago

Unfortunate outcome, sad cause. Sounds like he cared enough for the animal to put some effort into a noble funeral, but just fucked it up. Other people have caused conflagrations for worse reasons: intentional, carelessness, whatever.

Of all the people causing a fire like this, I have the most sympathy for this guy.

Related: a comedian once had a schtick about California road signs about it being illegal to throw burning objects out of your car; he joked that it was stupid, because what, was he driving down there road witha charcoal briquets in the passenger seat, just tossing coals out the window? While it was funny, I always thought, "Yeah. That's almost exactly what it is." Fucking idiots used to toss their cigarette butts out the window all the time.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not CHS. From what I've read, CHS is similar to overdosing, and is mostly associated with habitual users. The very first time I got stoned, decades ago, I spent the entire night in my car parked outside of a friend's house trying to not be violently ill. Since then, after legalization, I've gotten mildly stoned on edibles a couple of times to no ill effect, but the third time the nausea was back.

I've found no reference about it online. I've asked about it, online. I don't know of it's allergies in my case; if I mini-dose - amounts small enough that I can't notice any effect, but more than homeopathic doses - I'm fine. But as soon as I take enough to geta even a mild high, bang: nausea.

It's really frustrating, because I suffer from chronic lower back pain (thanks, Army!) and I'd even gotten a prescription (before it was recreationally legal in my state) in an attempt to achieve the pain relief associated with cannabis.

I've now chalked it up to a paradoxical effect. I suspect the anti-nause mechanism in THC is behaving differently in my biome and instead triggers nausea. Maybe that can be classified as an allergy? Although I expect if it were a traditional allergy, any amount would trigger nausea. And a little cannabis doesn't make me a little sick; it's either all or nothing.

My other theory is that it's zero-G sickness. When I get high, I get a head-spinning effect, and that sort of thing over a long term induces nausea in me.

I don't know what the fuck it is, but it's gods-damned annoying.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Ah, a youngling.

My first programming language was Basic; my second, assembly; third, C. I didn't get to new-fangled languages like Pascal until i was in college, long after I'd learned the only really useful fundamentals of programming and computer software.

Everything else is just gloss, convenience, and bloat.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm saying that I'm claustrophobic, and being in a submarine is a nightmare scenario, regardless of how safe it is.

Also: while I don't know the selection process for US Navy submarines, my experience with the military is that you can have an opinion about how you want to be posted, but no actual decision-making ability. So I may hope to fly Navy jets, but the Navy can simply say: "fuck you, you're going to be stationed on a submarine," and there's little I could do about it.

Also: accidents happen, subs sink, regardless of the country. It's pretty high on my list of ways not to die, just below Nutty Putty cave and getting sucked into Bolton Strid.

Also: submarines are weapons of war, so there's a non-zero chance someone, at some point, will be trying to make you sink.

Also: I was saying that were I a Chinese submarine crew, an incident like this would not fill me with confidence about my posting.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

Absolutely. I mean, people drown in shallow water all the time; if it flooded, it wouldn't matter if it were 20m or 200m; you'd still be dead.

But it was a best case for China, since recovery was about as easy as it could possibly be.

Also, in dock, there's a better chance that it wasn't fully manned, or that it didn't flood and they could get folks out. I'm no submarineologist, but it's difficult to imagine a case where a submarine sank at dock without flooding, though, so my guess is some people died.

[–] 49 points 2 days ago (20 children)

The possibility of being stationed in a submarine is one of the many reasons I did not choose to join the Navy; it's a nightmare scenario. This sort of incident makes me feel sorry for Chinese submarine crews - it's a bad situation made worse by destroying any shred of confidence in the engineers.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The dozer has an enclosed compartment, but that like like a pretty violent tumble. Was the driver's compartment (which isn't really identifiable) enough to protect the driver, or is s/he now part of the machine?

Also: Badger 288 would have simple eaten the dozer, and added it to the souls its already reaped.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago

No, no; it means that all Lemmy users are now on Tumblr.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (6 children)

I... I don't get this. The trains are functioning as batteries? Regenerative braking is nice, but why is only a third going to power the trains themselves? Why not 100%? TFA says they're issuing the "spare electricity" in the grid; "spare?"

These aren't perpetual motion machines; they're not violating the third law, and they consume more energy than they produce. Most off these article is about the (obvious) benefits of adding regenerative braking to subways around the world, regardless of cost; what confuses me is: why are they spending money and effort to route regenerative braking into other uses, which is what the title literally says ("trains", not "train power grid"). It seems like an inefficient and circuitous way to tap other demands into a subway power grid.

Unless what's really happening is that Barcelona is just tapping other demands into the (robust) subway power grid, and coincidentally adding regenerative braking, and someone decided to make the wild conceptual link that the power being fed back into the grid by braking is part of the overall power being used by new sinks. Which is like saying that my piss is being used to provide drinking water, because it goes back into the overall water cycle one way or another.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

I, for one, have never seen that bumper sticker. So you're good with me.

[–] 16 points 2 days ago

They should have kept them there, like badges. Collected more and gotten totally blinged out. It should have a badge for WWII.


I'm a little surprised I can't find any posts asking this question, and that there doesn't seem to be a FAQ about it. Maybe "Facebook" covers too many use cases for one clean answer.

Up front, I think the answer for my case is going to be "Friendica," but I'm interested in hearing if there are any other, better options. I'm sure Mastodon and Lemmy aren't it, but there's Pixelfed and a dozen other options with which I'm less familiar with.

This mostly centers around my 3-y/o niece and a geographically distributed family, and the desire for Facebook-like image sharing with a timeline feed, comments, likes (positive feedback), that sort of thing. Critical, in our case, is a good iOS experience for capturing and sharing short videos and pictures; a process where the parents have to take pictures, log into a web site, create a post, attach an image from the gallery is simply too fussy, especially for the non-technical and mostly overwhelmed parents. Less important is the extended family experience, although alerts would be nice. Privacy is critical; the parents are very concerned about limiting access to the media of their daughter that is shared, so the ability to restrict viewing to logged-in members of the family is important.

FUTO Circles was almost perfect. There was some initial confusion about the difference between circles and groups, but in the end the app experience was great and it accomplished all of the goals -- until it didn't. At some point, half of the already shared media disappeared from the feeds of all of the iOS family members (although the Android user could still see all of the posts). It was a thoroughly discouraging experience, and resulted in a complete lack of faith in the ecosystem. While I believe it might be possible to self-host, by the time we decided that everyone liked it and I was about to look into self-hosting our own family server (and remove the storage restrictions, which hadn't yet been reached when it all fell apart), the iOS app bugs had cropped up and we abandoned the platform.

So there's the requirements we're looking for:

  • The ability to create private, invite-only groups/communities
  • A convenient mobile capture+share experience, which means an app
  • Reactions (emojis) & comment threads
  • Both iOS and Android support, in addition to whatever web interface is available for desktop use

and, given this community, obviously self-hostable.

I have never personally used Facebook, but my understanding is that it's a little different in that communities are really more like individual blogs with some post-level feedback mechanisms; in this way, it's more like Mastodon, where you follow individuals and can respond to their posts, albeit with a loosely-enforced character limit. And as opposed to Lemmy, which while moderated, doesn't really have a main "owner" model. I can imagine setting up a Lemmy instance and creating a community per person, but I feel as if that'd be trying to wedge a square peg into a round hole.

Pixelfed might be the answer, but from my brief encounter with it, it feels more like a photo-oriented Mastodon, then a Facebook wall-style experience (it's Facebook that has "walls", right?).

So back to where I started: in my personal experience, it seems like Friendica might be the best fit, except that I don't use an iPhone and don't know if there are any decent Friendica apps that would satisfy the user experience we're looking for; honestly, I haven't particularly liked any of the Android apps, so I don't hold out much hope for iOS.

Most of the options speak ActivityPub, so maybe I should just focus on finding the right AP-based mobile client? Although, so far the best experience (until it broke) has been Circles, which is based on Matrix.

It's challenging to install and evaluate all of the options, especially when -- in my case -- to properly evaluate the software requires getting several people on each platform to try and see how they like it. I value the community's experience and opinions.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous.

I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers.

And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay out of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account.

What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content?

Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.


Rook is a lightweight, stand-alone, headless secret service tool backed by a Keepass v2 database. It provides client and server modes in a single executable, built from a reasonably small (auditable) code base with a small and shallow dependency tree - it should not be challenging to verify that it is not doing anything sketchy with your secrets.

Reasonable auditability, the desire to use KeePass files, and to do so through a headless tool that doesn't spawn off the better part of a DE through otherwise unused services, were the main motivations for Rook.

You might be interested in Rook if one or more of these are true:

  • you use KeePass v2-compatible tools to store secrets already
  • you are not running a DE like KDE or Gnome (although Rook may still be interesting because of secret consolidation)
  • you prefer to minimize background GUI applications (KeePassXC is excellent and provides a secret service, but doesn't run headless)
  • you run background applications such as vdirsyncer, mbsync (isync), offlineimap, or restic, or applications such as aerc that can be configured to fetch credentials from a secret service rather than hard-coded in a config file.

Pre-built binaries for limited OS/archs are built by the CI, and Rook if available in AUR. There's an nfpm config in the repos that will build RPMs and Debs, among others. I consider Rook to be essentially free of any major bugs and fit-for-purpose, although I welcome hearing otherwise.

Utility scripts in zsh and bash are available for providing autotyping and entry/attribute selection using xdotool, rofi, xprop, and so on; these are YMMV-quality.

Changes from v0.1.1 are:


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals

I got tired of pinentry popping up and interrupting whatever I was doing; I didn't find a solution elsewhere, so I wrote a little bash script to address this. This is designed for (poly|i3|way|...)bar users. The blog entry (no ads, no tracking) linked has the script verbatim, plus some rambling about the why and wherefore.

It's 22 lines of does-stuff; the rest is whitespace, comments, and instructions -- including a little blob example of using it with polybar.

A known issue is that it does occasionally pop up pinentry twice in a row when unlocking. I'm not surprised, and it has happened to me only once since I've been using it -- not enough for me to need to bother trying to address it. But I wanted to call it out.

It's not rocket science, but it took a bit of time to make sure it functioned correctly (enough), and hopefully it'll help someone else.


On Amzn, there are nicely framed, wall-mounted control panels for proprietary home automation systems. What are people using for HA? I'm leaning toward trying to wall mount tablets, but I'd need 3, and cost starts to factor in. Mounts are a problem; I want it to look as built in as possible, but most mounts aren't picture-frame style. The ones that I've found that are, are designed for specific tablets, and not the low end cheap ones. I don't have a 3D printer, so I'm limited to mounts I can buy.

I like some projects here I've seen using eInk - that's the ideal solution! Is there a source for pre-fab Android eInk wall mounted control panels, or are what I've seen bespoke projects?

I'm not opposed to gross wiring, and am not afraid of cutting holes in dry-wall... it's really the mounting that I'm stuck at. Android 7-10" tablets sufficient to run the UI would probably work, and I can probably even figure out wiring the charger, if I could just get some nice picture-frame style mounts.

What are your solutions that you think is pretty neat? Or products that I may have missed?


I count 7 in mine.


Suuuuper new to Lemmy, so apologies in advamce if this is a particularly stupid question. DDG has been no help.

I'm a member of I'd like to subscribe, and post to, a community (sub?) on another server. I know the other server is federated with, because I can see other subs, and I know the sub on the foreign server (in this case,, which I found with DDG.

So why can't I find the sub in Jerboa? I've searched by name, by name including server, by every combination of reference I can think of. !, #, @.

It's a technical sub, and I can't imagine it's been intentionally blocked. So I'm thinking that maybe Lemmy is whitelist-based? Do admins have to explicitly include subs from other instances? Or is there some magic that I've somehow missed about how to get to a federated sub that maybe nobody has yet accessed on the instance I've joined?

I found an old (1y) discussion about how to make Lemmy more accessible to new users. Someone offhand referenced this topic (accessing federated subs) needing more clarity, but with no explanation. A pointer to a how-to would be handy; maybe answers will help some future user when they find this post through whichever fad search engine privacy wonks are using in a couple of years.

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