
joined 1 year ago

I mean, c'mon.

Dude had to know he was doing something stupid. Which means he did it knowing exactly what the outcome could be. So fuck that guy.

I eat chicken. I have pet chickens. I have no issue with feeding already killed chickens to other animals. I have no problem with animals in the wild eating other animals.

But there's a line. The line isn't the eating, and it isn't the killing. It's how it's done. You don't just throw a live animal to a predator in captivity unless there's no other way. And gators will eat anything, they aren't some kind of panda or koala with a niche diet.

You don't do it for entertainment, and that's what this asshole did.

Now, is anyone required to agree with that opinion? Hell no. Opinions are like assholes; almost everyone has one and they're all full of shit. But that's my opinion, and I stand by it.

[–] 8 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Yup. Totally real. It's all essentially public information to begin with. You have to have an address for taxes, and deeds need names on them. So there's a certain degree of information that's going to be available to pretty much everyone, if they go looking.

Phone books were useful at one point, though less so for individuals. They're still useful for local businesses.

[–] 8 points 19 hours ago

I love the reference :)

But, since this is a bit of a writing prompt rather than something that can be answered factually, allow me some self indulgence to cook something up. I don't plan to edit it beyond spelling and typos, it'll be freeform.

Back in the primordial nothing, so dark and empty that darkness was scared of that dark, non-existence was boring.

The formless void took a good look at itself in the mirror that was it's own non existent backside in what may be the greatest act of solipsism in history, and said "I need a friend".

This thought echoed throughout itself, and a ripple failed to spread through the nothingness by turning it into something that could ripple. Thus was regular darkness born.

Darkness and nothingness looked at each other. There was nothing to see, so they decided to grope each other instead. This led, as often is the case, to a lot of disappointment and some degree of carnal juices splattering.

Those juices took root, growing in the dark and the void, binding them together for eternity. The fruit of those twining vines of dark matter jizz created matter.

And, as you know, matter matters. Matter seeks other matter, and the vine flowered. It pollinated itself, creating an infinite array of fruit. Those fruit were what we might call gods. Forces like gravity, electricity, nuclear interactions, essences of the things that would later become storm and sun and moon and furtive masturbation under a blanket so your mom can't catch you, all the things we eventually worshiped.

Those original fruits were as incestuous as their forebears, banging off of each other until the first light arose from the darkness that birthed all.

Then they looked at themselves and realized they needed a bloody bath because you can't spend infinite moments of non-time fornicating without getting a little messy.

Thus, they decided to organize the previously idle matter into clouds and juggle them until the bits stuck together.

Stars were born. Stars exploded and reformed into more stars, and planets.

All those explosions generated the kind of places where oceans could form.

By that time, the early gods had kept fornicating until there were more gods than any universe needs, and they were all quite filthy.

So they went to the various water bearing planets and bathed. And had orgies.

What they didn't realize is that all the grime, jizz, and raw creative forces would turn the waters of some worlds into the nastiest, but most fertile soup ever imagined.

Those little jizz particles clung to each other, forming ever longer chains. Eventually, those chains met other chains and settled down to start families. Those families were the first cellular life forms.

Everything has been downhill since.

Depends on the phone, but some of them, the audio is horrible through the regular speaker for calls, but better via the bigger one. Just not necessarily enough better for everyone.

Mind you, most of the people that do that are just twits, but hard of hearing people might need to use the phone that way to be able to communicate effectively, regardless of phone quality.

That is true, but it is still an acceptable action within that context.

Paladins, at least the generic form of the term, aren't held to an impossible standard. If you pick specific versions of paladin, you might run into cases where an unintentional violation of oath works to negate their holiness, but that's rule issues, not concept issues.

Self defense is allowed within every version of paladin because they're knights, warriors. Illusion, insanity, trickery, it doesn't matter because that's external the the paladin. If their actions are righteous (and self defense is in this kind of discussion), and their intent was pure, they're still holy.

They might need to atone for the killing anyway, but that's a separate issue from them being a paladin.

If anything, Don Quixote's later actions show that he wouldn't have taken a life in his right mind, which points back to his righteousness.

Wanna bet?

I'd make it an absolute realistic pile of dust, unable to move, unable to cast magic, fight, or anything but be carried along by whatever picked it up, and when enough of the dust gets separated, death is automatic.

But I'd still allow it as an interesting edge case once.

Is the story set on earth?

If so, is it this earth?

Yeah, but at 50 you become an antique, which means people want you just as beat up and scarred as you happen to be, but they'll pay less for you depending on how much scarring and beating you have.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that writer sucks at his job. That was just a pointless rant for the majority of the page.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying a movie critic is required to use formal writing rules. But when it's that sloppy and over dramatic, it puts his opinion of the movie in doubt because anyone that sloppy likely won't have the ability to grasp any dialogue complexity.

That piece would be fine on reddit or lemmy. But on a site like that? Nah, whoever is the equivalent of editor there failed hard by letting that one through.

[–] 33 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Why would I change either?

I mean, I'm a hoopy frood, So I know where my towel is, and it's full of all kinds of nutrients due to the competing microbes that compose its flora. You don't just waste that kind of ecosystem by changing towels every decade.

And sheets? What about the memories? Every stain is a mark of something wonderful that happened. Except the ones that are marks of something horrific that happened. Or the ones that are just spilled beverages. But, you know, that's still plenty of good memories you want washed down the drain, you animal you.

I'm fairly certain he has summoned a cat demon from the fifth plane of the infernal realm.

Either that or he's some kind of magnificent hybrid of man and beast.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

As the title says, a samsung tablet got updated, and now refuses to allow an older app that was working fine before the update to launch or do anything other than pop a toast saying it was built for an older android version.

While there are other app options, none are the right fit.

So, I'm hoping there's a way to make the app work anyway. It's the Swype keyboard.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: solved!

As said, there is a version on xda that works, as long as you only need the basic language it comes with. There is a way to make the language packs work, but it is supposedly fiddly.

Here's []( the link )


White horse fell in the mud

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