
joined 1 year ago
[–] 36 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Steam is untouchable until Gaben dies. Then God help us all.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago

90% of the games I play are now made by indie or medium sized studios/publishers. I've bought several AAA games in that time frame, but almost universally they've failed to hold my interest and I typically regret my purchase. I can't remember the last AAA I bought that I would consider a 'favorite'.

Also I'm growing more and more detached from what modern, AAA games even feel like. Opening up a game like fortnite or COD where they've shoved dozens of different game modes into an all in one program is confusing and overwhelming. It's off putting to me and I feel like having a 'get off my lawn' moment.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

There's usually a hardware level power off function for when the device freezes and stuff. Can usually hold the power button for ~10 seconds will power off the device without needing to look at the screen

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I dunno, this feels like the whole 'infinite growth' problem of capitalism. Sure that's been true so far, but it can't continually result in more jobs forever. At some point they'll just automate too much and it'll be a tipping point.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

See this game documentary for more details: Cricket through the ages

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's because AI is still stuck in the mimic phase. Once we figure out how to actually get it to learn in a structured manner, that's the birth of the singularity. I don't think current tech, even if taken to the extreme will get us there though. Needs to be something new, some different approach. Like how we went from faster and faster single core processes to multi core ones.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It was crazy taxi and no other game could use the mechanic. And telling you where to go is pretty darn important to a lot of games

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Fair, but given the degradation of gaming these days I think a lot of people who aren't paying attention have an outdated and understated view of just how bad things are. A parent might be thinking: wow had a subscription, so this game with micro transactions isn't all that bad, not recognizing just how tuned modern predatory gaming has become at extracting money and addicting its users.

WoW mostly addicted people to playing (consuming their time), you can go hours and hours of gameplay without inputting more money. But mobile games maximize extracting maximal profit for minimal gameplay. There's no functional difference between a gacha pull and a slot machine pull. It's an endless, mindless set of pretty lights where you just hit the buy button over and over and over. If you sat people down and made them watch (with a running cost total) most people would immediately see the resemblance to a casino.

I think it's helpful to break things down into more granular levels of predation, just to help clarify how bad it's getting, even if all of it is problematic.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I don't allow myself to play any mobile games anymore. Spent like $300 on one of those idle games. Not worth it. I refuse to play any free to play titles at all, no matter the platform these days.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Haven't played WoW in awhile, but do they now have 'you can spend unlimited money' mechanics? Previously it was just stuff like mounts and character transfers and stuff. I know you can also sell tokens for gold, but I thought gold kind of becomes irrelevant at some point. The best gear is bind on drop right? Theoretically I guess you can pay gold for boost runs, which probably counts as an endless money sink.

I kind of have a mental separation in my head between games with unlimited money sinks (like games with energy mechanics) where you can spend and spend and spend and it never stops, vs games that have a finite of things to buy.

It can still be way over priced, but there's a maximum amount of money you can throw at the game. Even Diablo 4, with a relatively huge and highly priced number of cosmetic items has effectively a maximum price (though every new cosmetic increases that price). Vs Diablo Immortal allowing you to spend 10s of thousands of dollars and still need to keep spending. I think unlimited money mechanics should be outlawed or at least fully classified as gambling and regulated accordingly.

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly the last decade plus does feel like the lead up paragraph in a history textbook to some major paradigm shift. But it could still be years and years away. But it does feel inevitable.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That would be great. The only time I'm ever adjusting the slider is the dimmest 5%. The top 50% of the slider really doesn't matter to me. It's annoying trying to hit exactly the right pixel on the low end though


Anyone have any current working solutions? There was a discord and an extension that used to enable exporting chapters, but it's been broken for a while and the discord ('Secret!' is the name) no longer updates with any new content.

Honestly I don't necessarily care about getting it for free, I just want to put the books into a proper epub instead of using their website or shitty app.


I've acquired several lemmy accounts now and I'd like to reorder the list. My main two accounts are at the bottom while my alternates are stuck at the top

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