
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

In the startup I worked for, the HR lead was the CEO's significant other. They had made fundamental contributions to the operations of the company since its inception and relatively humble beginnings. Once it had grown beyond a certain size, there wasn't really any particular executive position within a logical company structure for them to fill. The individual departments were run by people more qualified in those areas. I think it made sense for the company to continuously recognize their contributions (and obviously the boss isn't going to fire their partner), but HR ended up being mostly just a cushy job for them to fall into.

It was one of those companies that likes to say its "like a family", but really there's an in-crowd (i.e. the founding staff) and everyone else. I was part of the former, so I could be honest and open with them with regard to HR issues and be supported, and that was nice. But on the other hand, I witnessed HR actions related to incidents involving other staff that caused me cognitive dissonance, because it would've been handled differently if I were the staff member involved. More than anything else, because I had found myself in the right place at the right time. Because I was a part of the landed gentry, as it were. That's fucking bullshit, and the experience made me realize that they weren't actually different from other companies like I had thought.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry, I meant to respond about the lack of BBC archival footage, as it had to be archived to be able to compile it. You're right that it was probably shot straight to VHS.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I remember the VHS we watched was presented as a compilation of episodes with a new introduction and interludes so my guess is there was some kind of professional reproduction of the episodes themselves

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

The groups forming the roots of digital media piracy established 'the scene', which holds itself to rules and has particular distribution methods. For example Usenet was popular for many years.

By P2P I'm meaning these are 'non-scene' releases, just something a random person on the internet cooked up and released somewhere, in these cases by feeding some prior standard definition release through an upscaler and creating a torrent from the output, which involves certain considerations.

We can't exactly determine the pedigree of these files, but we can say they are lossy transcodes, that is they first existed in a compressed format and later were re-encoded by the upscaler to another compressed format.

While the upscaled may look sharper to your eyes, data from the files as they were before that process was inevitably lost due to this transcoding. If we define "quality" as the amount of information from the original presentation that was retained in the output, then the standard definition versions are definitely higher in quality than the upscaled ones.

I'm not meaning to use the term in any perjorative sense, but it's useful information to have. If an official HD presentation is ever made from the original film, it would certainly get a 'scene release' that would look better than these ones.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

D4 has shortcuts for battle pass tiers, i.e. cosmetics. There aren't any level skips like there is in WoW.

You can skip the campaign at the time you create a new toon, if you have already completed it. It is faster to level that way, because you can stick to activities that reward more XP and don't have to turn in quests/listen to dialogue. You still start at level 1 though, so it's not really a shortcut. Rather there are certain things in the game that you're only required to earn once, given it's intended to play multiple characters/builds. It'd be a slog to have to continuously go around the game world collecting the minor stat boosts for finding altars, for example. Instead the ones you've found will carry over between characters and seasons.

Yeah, P2W is what I mean by paying for power and it's a good thing for players that it isn't in D4 (like it is in Immortal for example). I edited my earlier comment to include that other games have come up with more creative ways to monetise cosmetics like you mentioned, but that they aren't really possible in Diablo for technical reasons. It is very poorly optimised for online play by design - when you load an instance, your client loads the full loadout of every player character in that instance. Their full inventory, stash, everything. That's part of what I mean - it's an opportunity to monetise which many players would be amenable to, totally missing from the game.

Personally though, I think that there being minimal compulsion to buy MTX post-game purchase is exactly the way it should be. I wouldn't expect them to continue a live service with no ongoing revenue, so if MTX is how they do that it should be relegated to rich fuckers with nothing better to spend their fortunes on, so I can point and laugh at them while they fund additional content for me. It's just weird that a dev would subsequently use "hey 150m big number" to try and claim the situation as some sort of business success, as much as it's weird players (like some in this thread) would consider this revelation as additional points against D4. Are they completely oblivious to the absolute hellscape in which we exist?!

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

From a developer perspective, tonnes of stuff. Shortcuts, power (edit: see Diablo Immortal for some live examples). From a gamer perspective, it's really the ideal scenario in this day and age, but Blizzard'll cop hate all the same.

Other similar games like Last Epoch are doing paid alt animations for skills, but Diablo team just aren't that creative, and the game wasn't designed well enough to accommodate something like that.

[–] 49 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Yes, that is the quality of the original presentation. If anything it looks worse because it has been converted from film to a digital signal, as well as being stretched to be a bit larger than normal. Lmk if you young whippersnappers have any questions about this, I grew up watching this on VHS back in the dark times 👴

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Yes, both are upscaled p2p releases

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Lineage OS doesn't include google apps or services. Jellyfin works though.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Do you need an in-remote microphone? If not, I'd suggest a degoogled nvidia shield tv (i.e flash it with lineage OS or similar)

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