
joined 10 months ago

Oh, it's petty cash to be sure. If you have $100-ish bucks to throw around, you probably aren't going to miss much by not doing this. Unless, of course, letting someone else take even one dollar from you in this way is against your religion or something (i.e. the principle of the thing). Conversely, if you need the handful of dollars this makes, you probably don't have that kind of walking-around money in the first place.

[–] 18 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Which season is this? Winter, Still Winter, or Road Construction?

[–] 21 points 2 days ago (2 children)

It's a terrible plan, to be sure. I bet their thinking was something along the lines of creating an environment suitable for looting/rioting, along with police brutality to follow, all in the hopes that racial tensions in the region play out in their favor.

Of course, they completely ignored how things went when hurricane Irene knocked out power to the region. Spoiler alert: it wasn't fun but folks were generally okay.

[–] -4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Jesus. This makes it reasonable to just buy $100 worth of your own game every month, just to make sure. Assuming that the number of real sales cover Valve's percentage and then some. Yeah, that's a non-zero opportunity cost for you, and additional float for Valve, however petty it may be. But for a small developer, maybe that makes sense.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'm more impressed that you got the batter to stay put. Or is the entire appliance at 120 degrees?

[–] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Java itself is kind of blissful in how restricted and straightforward it is.

Java programs, however, tend to be very large and sprawling code-bases built on even bigger mountains of shared libraries. This is a product of the language's simplicity, the design decisions present in the standard library, and how the Java community chooses to solve problems as a group (e.g. "dependency injection"). This presents a big learning challenge to people encountering Java projects on the job: there's a huge amount of stuff to take in. Were Java a spoken language it would be as if everyone talked in a highly formal and elaborate prose all the time.

People tend to conflate these two learning tasks (language vs practice), lumping it all together as "Java is complicated."

$0.02: Java is the only technology stack where I have encountered a logging plugin designed to filter out common libraries in stack traces. The call depth on J2EE architecture is so incredibly deep at times, this is almost essential to make sense of errors in any reasonable amount of time. JavaScript, Python, PHP, Go, Rust, ASP, C++, C#, every other language and framework I have used professionally has had a much shallower call stack by comparison. IMO, this is a direct consequence of the sheer volume of code present in professional Java solutions, and the complexity that Java engineers must learn to handle.

Some articles showing the knock-on effects of this phenomenon:

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Yes, but "Proto Indo-European" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. /s

Correct. This happens on a global scale too: it's why everything is using GDPR compliant cookie dialogs now.

I can see it now. It's like The Fact Core from Portal, only worse.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Thirdly, fuck y’all are bad at poly, like worse at poly than the people constantly talking about poly.

You are not kidding. I nearly forgot about this story and the absolutely gross and unethical sexual practice at work here. From the article linked earlier:

“None of this non-hierarchical bullshit,” the account elaborated. “Everyone should have a ranking of their partners, people should know where they fall on the ranking, and there should be vicious power struggles for the ranks.”

For those following along: if you browse the existing literature on poly practice, this uncompassionate practice doesn't show up anywhere. These animals were using the "poly" term as a fig-leaf for their Lord of the Flies inspired, libertine, thunderdome-style non-monogamy. I'd even hesitate to call it a cult, only because it just seems so incredibly unstable as a concept. These are the people your polycule will warn you about.

No wonder these people fleeced others for billions. There's having a skewed moral compass, and then there's having a huge vacuum where a conscience and empathy should be.

"Operator" also works in some systems.

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