
joined 5 months ago
[–] 1 points 11 minutes ago* (last edited 11 minutes ago)

I use "F-Droid Basic" with some repos, most importantly IzzyOnDroid and use Obtainium for updating.

Yeah not perfect. But there is

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Ich sehe kritisch, dass man Desinformation runterwählen soll. Man muss Meinungen von Fakten trennen, und das wird hier nicht gemacht.

Wenn jemand den Klimawandel leugnet muss es keine Mehrheit an rationalen Menschen geben die das herunterwählen, sondern es muss als Falschaussage markiert und gesperrt werden.

Man kann sagen "Es gibt einen Klimawandel aber ich finde Forderung X zu groß", weil das eine Meinung ist.

Trotzdem ist das halt immer noch zu eindimensional. Wir haben verschiedene Bundesländer, Stadt Land, Bildungsschichten, Reich und Arm.

Das müsste alles mit dazu, um es einzuordnen. Wenn ein armer Mensch sagt "Das Essen wird zu teuer" ist das was anderes, als bei einem reichen Menschen.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

Biete nich war doch nicht im ehrlich gemeimt

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

Ja stimmt, was ist mit nichtbinären Personen? Soweit ich weiß kann man sowas in den Ausweis schreiben.

Da auf Lemmy die Nonbiary Quote oft mehr als die Frauen sind, bekommen wir da ja vllt noch ne interessante Antwort.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Sehr interessant!

Ich kenn jemanden, der hat einfach das Verwaltungssystem der Bundeswehr gehackt und sich aus der Liste entfernt.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Ähm ist das real?

[–] 13 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Not using Windows helps a ton :)

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

Jetzt hab ich Hunger, du Sohn einer Dirne

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

They support Unity???

[–] 7 points 22 hours ago (7 children)

Klingt nach viel Idee und Motivation aber ich versteh nicht wie "ja" oder "nein" (daumen hoch, daumen runter?) sie verbessern sollen.

Wir brauchen perspektivwechsel.

Logische Fehler müssen aufgezeigt werden und Aussagen dann nicht bewertet sondern als ungültig gekennzeichnet werden.

Es müssen Fakten von Meinungen getrennt werden, und der Grad an "Meinung" in einer Aussage muss gekennzeichnet sein.

Dann kann man rational reden.

[–] 4 points 22 hours ago

Richtig gut, dass auch Religion nicht immer alt und verblendet sein muss.

[–] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The Term

The issue is that, no Ubuntu is not "the Windows" of Linux.

First of all this statement makes no sense. You could say "the Samsung of the Android world" as Samsung Android is a Distribution that looks nice and many people think it is nice to use (leaving out that it is the most spyware-riddled software on locked devices with horrible customer treatment)

Windows is just one OS. Android is an easy variant of Linux, and Ubuntu was one too.

Nowadays, uBlue Aurora/Bazzite would be my "best Desktop Linux", because they implement all the great, easy and modern stuff of Fedora Atomic Desktops, while also removing stupid opinionated things, and adding packages they legally simply cannot ship.

Updates & Upgrades

Ubuntu is not easy anymore. Distro upgrades are a mess and break. I had 12 laptops, all had the same 3 issues and updates took forever.

Ubuntu requires a sudo account for them to even work, a nonsudoer gets an update message but clicking it does nothing.

I.e. they dont use polkit, unlike Fedora for example.The paradigm of

  1. Needing a user with sudo rights to use a system, otherwise an admin needs to login every week and do the GUI updates
  2. Updates and upgrades being a privileged action that requires root permission

Is just bad. Android works without root since forever, and I would say it is the easiest Linux distro out there.


They have their own strange icons, which look worse than GNOMEs. They have their own strange store instead of using and improving GNOME Software.

Their design sucks in comparison to Manjaro if you ask me. Most personal point of this list. Many other Distros just ship GNOME, do the packaging and leave the Branding to small changes, and the upstream DE.


Snaps are not cross platform, while Flatpak exists and is cross platform.

Ubuntu doesnt even have uptodate flatpak and dependencies in their repos so the Flatpak project maintains like 6 PPAs just to run them on Ubuntu.

Snaps are not cross platform because they rely on AppArmor for sandboxing, and afaik custom AppArmor patches that are not in upstream.

This means Snaps on Fedora and others would run Snaps unsandboxed.

Technically they are fine. Pretty normal approach. But their repo hat big malware issues and they only allow a single one, which is a total nogo for any opensource project.

Snaps installed by other users with sudo cannot be opened by other users. You need to install them per-user, no other option possible.

Flatpak requires wheel/sudo too, I need to make a Fedora Change request to fix that, my previous one got rejected...

Variants & LTS

They only ship KDE on the LTS variant, which means by now it is very outdated. KDE is the most windows-like desktop, and also has the most features, by far. I tried GNOME and made a writeup on Fedora discuss.


They bloat (at least) their (LTS) variants with tons of deb packages.

Safety & Snapshots

They dont integrate timeshift or other backup systems. Linux Mint and OpenSUSE are better here. Fedora Atomic Desktops too, while traditional Fedora not.


Hamburg hat ein Klimaschutzgesetz erlassen.

Aber das ist viel zu lasch!

Bei Jura geht es um feine Wortunterschiede, und schlaue Menschen haben sie gefunden, damit das Gesetz auch Wirkung bekommt.

Dafür wurde eine Volksinitiative gestartet, die 10.000 Stimmen sammeln sollte, um ein Volksbegehren zu stellen. Das hat sie mit über 23.000 locker geschafft.

Jetzt gibt es das Volksbegehren, dafür werden 70.000 Stimmen benötigt!

Nur dann wird es einen Volksentscheid geben, zur nächsten Bundestagswahl, in dem alle Hamburger*innen über unsere Zukunft abstimmen dürfen.

91% sind für einen nachhaltigen Umbau der Wirtschaft, sie dürfen nur nicht entscheiden!

Hier ist der Ablauf

Helft mit, das zu schaffen! Es ist extrem wichtig für alle, weil das Klimaschutzgesetz sonst einfach ignoriert und verschlafen werden kann!

Hier könnt ihr Unterschriftenzettel ausdrucken, die per Brief verschickt werden

Sammelt zusammen, in eurer ganzen Familie, lasst Freunde unterschreiben, verbreitet es in der Schule!

Lasst uns mit einer deutlichen Stimmenanzahl zeigen, dass wir es ernst meinen!

Die GesetzesänderungenHamburg soll nicht versuchen, klimaneutral zu werden, sondern muss.

Und das nicht 2045, sondern 2040.

Der Prozess soll nicht 2030 überprüft werden, sondern sofort, jedes Jahr am 15.7.

Sind Fehler aufgetreten, müssen diese in 3 Monaten behoben werden, indem die richtigen Maßnahmen eingeleitet wurden.

Die Ziele sind pro Sektor, also können Sektoren ihr Versagen nicht einfach mit der Arbeit anderer ausgleichen.

All diese Punkte sind extrem wichtig!

Hier sind die Gesetzesänderungen


An already working reimplementation of libfprint in Rust, supposedly easier to use.


Here is the needed desktop file

Place it in ~/.local/share/applications/

Right click the Dolphin icon and select a profile!


Awesome talk by Jay Lacroix:

about his life from a poor boy walking to a payphone in the rain, to call Microsoft to unlock his Laptop - to a Linux sysadmin who uses the time frame for all his certificates as a motivator, because he has ADHD!


Should be a very common issue

KeepassDX + KeepassXC, Android to Linux.

Synced with Syncthing.

I do a change on the password manager on one device and on another, Android killed Syncthing again so now I have 2 files, one called "sync conflict".

Both files have some new change, I need to keep both.

When using the import feature in KeepassXC, I think everything is duplicated. This would be the best place to do this.

Any idea how to merge them or at least show the diffs?

Displaying all entries, without folders, sorted by date, could also already help.


In KeepassXC, bottom left, "all entries". Alternatively, search for "*".

Then sort by date.

This helps to compare the most recent changes, and copy them over to the want-to-keep version of the file.


This is a combo of 2 tricks.

Based off this german guide, a bit outdated and not suited for the Flatpak


a signature like

Firstname Lastname
<fancy logo>
Company name
Contact info including website and mail

This is probably really easy in Outlook, and kinda linux-y (bundling together parts that only make sense if you are a programmer) on Thunderbird.

1. The Sandbox

When attaching an image, Thunderbird Flatpak needs to have permanent access to that location.

By default it uses portals, so if you use "attach image" it will use some /run/doc/... folder that is gone after restarting the app.

For some reason, using the KDE Plasma Flatpak settings or Flatseal, granting the app access to a certain location, doesnt work, even if you use the real location of the image.

So instead:

  1. Create a directory in the internal Flatpak's folder

mkdir ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.Thunderbird/SIGNATURE

  1. Copy the attachment image there (company logo etc.)
  2. Copy the path to the image (for example in KDE Dolphin, no idea about GNOME)

2. The HTML Signature

Just write a new mail (Ctrl+N) and write exactly your signature in there.

You dont need the


As that is automatically inserted below the last line.

Add the picture, but replace the path with the real path, not the /run/doc/... one of the portal.

Then the image is inserted, you can resize it.

Now instead of sending, in the menu under "File" use "Save to..." and instead of .eml use .html.

If you want to add a clickable mail address, in the mail compose toolbar, behind the "picture icon" there is a menu, select the "link" icon.

You can add a normal http/https link there. But using you can make it a clickable mail link!

(Whoever needs that in a mail)

3. Sandbox again.

Save that file to the same ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.Thunderbird/SIGNATURE folder.

4. Account settings

Navigate to these settings, in the first page of your account, instead of writing your signature, use "use HTML file".

Select the file or paste the exact ~/.var/app/... location in there, again, dont use the portal.


Once figured out it makes sense. That directory in the Flatpaks storage will not be deleted or interrupt anything. So this is a clean way.

flatpak remove --delete-data thunderbird would purge that entire folder and all it's contents.

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