
joined 11 months ago

I wish I had a friend who could just be there while I tried to get it set up. Honestly, I'd peroxide pizza, beer, and video games just so I don't collapse in a mess of confusion and self doubt when something goes wrong. I don't mind doing the work, but I don't know if I have the patience to figure it all out.

I'm not much of wine drinker myself, but I once did a chef menu with the wine pairing. Every two dishes, they'd bring out a new glass of wine. It was kind blowing how the would taste one way with the first dish and a completely different way with the second dish. I'm not sure I can tell the difference between a $12 bottle and $40 bottle, but in that one meal i understood two things: first, if you know what your doing, wine and food pairings can be magical and, second, I don't know what I'm doing.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Sounds like you had a wonderful patient who was grateful for you doing your craft. Do a compliment sandwich, but do it sincerely.

Complement Boundary Complement

"Oh my. I'm flattered. Thank you, but I'm not comfortable with that right now. You've been a wonderful patient and I enjoyed working with you too."

This is just an example of the compliment sandwich structure and you should adjust the wording to serve you.

As for the phone number, just tell him that you were doing your job and seeing him better is all the reward you need. Again, adjust the wording for your truth.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The author's photo is of her holding two oranges in one hand. I have unexpected joy from this.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

People need to get over the candidate BS

In one sense this true. Policies are set by a small army of party elites and admins. Presidents aren't just policy makers though. They are the face of a country. Their words are powerful and institutions react to them. They also project a sense of competency and vitality to the world.

it’s the politicians who deliberately trample them and keep these people in a perpetual state of misery, and then use racism to distract them from their pains.

I think this is a one sided analysis putting all the blame on the Republicans. It fails to wrestle with purple states that became red states like Florida and the inability for Democrats to make lasting in roads in purple states.

I just can’t believe the Red party is still given any serious consideration.

Personally, I turn to history when I want to understand something that confounds me. It would be better if I could actually talk to some people and really hear them. But I live a major metropolitan center in a blue state so my access is limited.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

How do you measure that for weight loss?

Yes! 100% this. The closest thing I've seen is Quick Accent in Power Toys for Windows. But something like what you've described is what I've always wanted.

I also thought about mapping this to Auto Hotkey, but didn't bother after finding Quick Accent.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The one struggling to keep it's head above water?

Brazil is no longer a state in Mexico after it moved to China.

This article has a hard paywall, so I found another source.

According to this article it seems the impact was limited because it only effected the most recent Debian server release. So the issue was limited, discovered quickly, and easily fixed.

The recent windows issues was extensive for all windows machines, discovered after massive outages, and difficult to fix.

I'm not sure this is a win for Linux, but there a number of decisions that CrowdStrike made that failed to live up to the trust issue by WHQL certification.

I think that this didn't have the same extent for Linux is pure luck.

Each one of these recommendations raises more questions that previous one.


You're only 78 years old Little Squirt!


When writing a comment, you can preview it. I didn't see this feature when making a post.

Also, spoiler markdowns weren't rendering in Boost when I tried using the menu insertion. I've seen other posts and comments with spoilers, so I'm not sure what's happening.


The two percentage points of vote share that Mr Trump has gained since 2020 come from three sources. The largest group is people who supported Mr Biden last time, but are now undecided, backing minor candidates or not planning to vote, who outnumber those making the same shift from Mr Trump’s camp. These voters account for 0.9 points of Mr Trump’s two-point improvement. Undecided former Biden voters are slightly younger, more likely to be black or female and less likely to have attended college than repeat Biden voters.

Mr Trump also enjoys an edge among people entering or returning to the major-party electorate. The share who say they did not vote for either him or Mr Biden in 2020 but have now settled on Mr Trump is 3.7%, slightly above the 3.3% who are choosing Mr Biden. This group adds another 0.3 of a point to Mr Trump’s tally.

The final group, swing voters, is the smallest but also the most impactful. Because people who flip between the two major-party candidates both subtract a vote from one side and add one to the other, they matter twice as much as do those who switch between a candidate and not voting at all. Such voters are rare—just 3% of respondents fall into this category—but Mr Trump is winning two-thirds of them. With 2% of participants shifting from Mr Biden to Mr Trump versus just 1% doing the opposite, swing voters contribute a full percentage point to Mr Trump’s two-way vote share.

The most intriguing pattern in YouGov’s data, however, is probably an equally powerful factor that has nothing to do with ideology. Compared with committed partisans, swing voters are vastly more likely to have children aged under 18: 47% of those flipping from Mr Biden to Mr Trump and 40% of those switching the other way are currently raising children, compared with 22% of repeat Biden voters and 19% of consistent Trump ones. And once the effects of race and parenthood are combined, the disparities are striking.


It’s a significant reversal from recent history: President Joe Biden is struggling with young voters but performing better than most Democrats with older ones.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/13897979

Survey finds a fraying Democratic coalition as Trump gains among young and minority voters


Original poll and archive


my desperate plea for scientists to give a shit about imperialism


Not sure this can be done, but I'd love to scroll another instance like I do for my local instance. I use that to discover new communities and get an initial sense of their post quality.

I imagine I could create another login for that instance, but would love to do it with one login.

Barring that, I'd love to filter communities by federated instances.

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