[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 117 points 1 month ago

We have children who need help! Someone call in the "pro-life" conservatives! Don't worry, gang, we know those God-loving righteous people will come through to solve this. Surely, they will be stumbling over each other help. Nobody talks a bigger game of saving the kids.

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 6 points 1 month ago

What are the bad faith laws in the US like?

I read that as laws that were written in bad faith. Of those, we are bountiful.

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 19 points 2 months ago

Don't let trolls bring you down. Some people just are not happy without making someone else sad.

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 27 points 5 months ago

While I personally do appreciate the level of detail and amount of options provided in this reply, the more straightforward and longer-term solution is to eat the rich.

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 55 points 6 months ago

could hurt pedestrians and cyclists

I dare you to convince me that anyone still buying Tesla would not see that as a benefit. That's going to be the number one selling point of this thing after articles like this make their rounds.

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 5 points 8 months ago

At every inch this moves along, I'm reminded of that one time Keanu mentioned wanting to return to a character that didn't get enough recognition the first time around https://youtube.com/shorts/3bz543X9QYQ?si=HAE_pub-T722gvYn

[-] SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Republicans: plot to kidnap and murder governor

Your dumb ass: BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE


joined 10 months ago