
joined 1 year ago
[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago

I'm a Canadian. I just happen to understand what a genocide is and isn't unlike what appears to be a concerning number of westerners who clearly lack critical thinking skills or a baseline education to understand the reality that is before them and see through a Muslim brotherhood propaganda that they are being taught.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I keep bringing up jealousy because it's so evident how pathetic your mindset is when it comes to other people.

You're a failure. Not everyone who isn't a failure is wealthy. Some of us are just normal people living normal lives. A normal middle class life is exactly what I'm fortunate enough to be living.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Still rambling on with jealousy eh? I feel good about myself surrounded by my loving family and friends. I don't feel good about myself because I can afford a house and others can't.

You are jealousy is preventing you from accepting reality. It's also quite clearly what's holding you back.

You're so confused. You alternate between saying I'm trying to impress people and then I'm trying to deny it. I'm doing neither. I'm simply stating reality. A reality that you seem too dense to grasp and yes, you're absolutely impoverished and when I say that I'm not talking about your bank account, I'm talking about your mental abilities.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

As someone who's here because his family had to flee the situation you describe in your last paragraph to the middle East and then to Canada. I'm not ignorant enough to forget the poem ' first they came for'

That's outside of the reality being faced by Canadians today and they're rightful anger towards the situation.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Which bridge collapsed, other than the one hit by the boat in Baltimore?

[–] S_204@lemm.ee -2 points 2 months ago (5 children)

I'm not telling on anything by being honest with you. I can't afford a new car right now. In 2 or 3 years. I'll have saved up enough to be able to afford one, but right now it's simply not in my budget. I also can't afford the kitchen renovation that I have planned. Can't afford a lot of things that you seem to think the wealthy people can.

I can't afford them because I'm a pretty firmly middle class household that can afford some of the nice things in life but not without working for them. Like the wealthy are able to. At no point am I downplaying my privilege. I've said a number of times even in these posts how fortunate that I am. That you think admitting to going on a vacation is gloating just reinforces your jealousy. We budget to be able to take a vacation. I read the other week that over 30% of Americans take multiple vacations per year. By you're jealous framework, you're claiming that they're all wealthy, which is obviously an absurd thing to say or position to take. I'd chalk much of my fortune up to the fact that I'm not a moron with my money running around charging my life on a credit card, like the vast majority of people that you see around you today. I'm not benefiting from the exploitation of others any more than the manager at a McDonald's is. I get paid for the work that I put out. I don't get paid for other people's work and I don't get paid from real estate holdings or investments or any of the other wealth creating vehicles that the wealthy in our society utilize, if I had the ability to I certainly would but seeing as a middle class those avenues to earn are not available to me.

You're accusing me of lacking critical thinking when you apparently don't have the ability to think critically enough to budget your own life or to think critically enough to put yourself in a position where your paycheck will allow you to live the middle-class lifestyle that I happen to be able to live right now.

That you think my understanding my place in the social hierarchy is an attempt to make me look bad. Really demonstrates your lack of ability to think critically your poor emotional intelligence and your lack of overall social context...... Which probably at least in part explains why you're jealous of someone who's living a middle-class lifestyle and probably why you'll live in poverty for the rest of your sad life. Crabs in a bucket.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (7 children)

If I were wealthy I sincerely doubt I'd be driving my broken down Ford but you tell yourself whatever you gotta to alleviate your feelings of failure.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Nah man, redefining things doesn't work at all. I'm not wealthy. I'm pretty firmly middle class based on just about every definition of middle class that's available to any sociologist on this planet. People ignorantly seem to think that middle class is tied to your salary or household income which is not the case.

I've got no problem with people seeing me living the life that I live. I grew up in a twice broken bankrupted household and I'm pretty damn proud of what my partner and I have been able to achieve. I live a pretty comfortable middle-class life and I try to help uplift the people around me so they can do the same.

I look around me and I see people struggling to achieve the middle class lifestyle that I'm grateful that I have but the fact that parts of society are falling behind doesn't by default make me wealthy. If I were wealthy I wouldn't have a mortgage or a host of other things that are currently saddling me financially. The people who can be categorized as wealthy are those who don't need to work for a living and whose capital sustains them.

You might not agree with me but that doesn't change. The facts are reality surrounding our individual financial situations.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 1 points 2 months ago (4 children)


You're lazily conflating immigration and refugee data. It's a combination of both the Canada is struggling with. Right now. There's no shortage of analysis or study showing that far too many people are coming to Canada than our system can handle. Even the federal government who is the one who set these policies have started walking them back.

As someone who hails from a middle Eastern culture and is married to an Iranian refugee, I can say with certainty that the influx of people coming from the places that my wife and I escaped are absolutely causing societal problems for us here in Canada. I'm far from a pull. The ladder up behind me. Kind of guy but I'm also a citizen of this country which is being quite clearly impacted by the oversaturation of new people coming from very small pockets of this planet into Canada. This isn't being driven by politicians. Both the conservative and the liberal sides of politics in this country are very much pro-immigration due to our inability to maintain our population rates and tax base without it. The people of Canada on the other hand are starting to show more and more discontent with this approach.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Canada used to have a strict policy and on some levels still do outside of the programs being instituted to supplement the workforce and to bring refugees in from complex zones, we've allowed in over double the previous amount for the past couple of years, under various refugee programs. Going a bit farther back there was a large influx of Syrians (and tasty shwarma!). The canada.ca website details the rapid increase in numbers quite well.

I would never say that these people move to Canada are not true Canadians because at one point my family got here on a boat and my wife's family escaped an islamist regime to come here too. We're both quite Canadian in culture and jean jackets.

From what I see, many of these problems derive from cultural conflicts that were previously not apparent because while many people knew to a country tend to stick together when they are a true minority, they tend to work to fit in. When you have large waves of people coming at once, there's no impetus for them to fit in because they can stay within their own cultural confines..... As sad as it is to say, some of those cultural confines are very much at odds with the greater Canadian culture.

[–] S_204@lemm.ee 0 points 2 months ago (11 children)

I'm happy to admit that I live the life that you described. For the most part. Big house and a desirable neighborhood. Couple of six-figure jobs. Couple of nice cars, at least one warm vacation every year and another one to visit family. Kids educations will be fully funded by the time they're 18. Registered savings accounts are nearly maxed out and will be by the end of this year. The house I grew up in was a single parent home that went through bankruptcy when I was a young teenager, so I'm quite familiar with the other end of the spectrum and I'm putting plans in place to avoid ever ending up there.... While still not thinking twice about picking up $1,000 dinner, tap while out with friends for a celebration. Balance as possible if you're willing to sacrifice some of the shiny things that people seem to want these days.

I'm grateful for our fortunate position. When I look around I see people living lives quite a bit more extravagant than ours and I don't quite understand it, but I'm more focused on building my family's future. So I keep the blinders on and keep doing what seems to be working for us. I'd suggest more people do the same and that would involve spending less time on sites like this.


Interesting considering the number of people who took the last ruling as proof of a genocide. I'd have expected the Court to intervene if they felt that way.

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