
joined 1 year ago

Yeah I knew they weren't plants but it made the analogy easier to pretend they were 😅
They have plant-ey vibes

They were all like "let's get the Calvin cycle up in this house, lets light it up!" And so they did, and the atmosphere caught fire

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Very cool!

It reminds me of my fav, The Oxygen Catastrophy, where basically a plant did something new and caused the earth to freeze. In this case, by converting methane to carbon dioxide, a much weaker greenhouse gas.

I like it!
I kind of feel like "locomotive" itself is a niche so this is more like a collapse of a niche rather than a mass extinction, but I love the analogies

That's my fav too.
"The Oxygen Catastrophy" is just such a cool name.

  • Also some upstart bacteria just start pumping out poison that kills almost everything (oxygen)
  • Causes the ocean to rust
  • Causes the atmosphere to catch on fire
  • then causes the earth to turn to a snowball

Fuckin metal

I'm judging you, as I said I would

That's the Holocene, and I'm judging you.

I was asking for extinction events, aka mass extinctions.
But this is still very interesting! Thanks for sharing it with me

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm judging you, not because you chose the Holocene, but for how easy it was to get people without interesting opinions to identify themselves 😏

Of shit what if it's like Captain planet, and if they all stand up at the same time it'll summon Jesus?
They're not allowed standing because they don't want to trigger the rapture!

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ok I think I've got it.

Jesus is like Voltron, the 3 dudes in the middle combine to form him.
And the 2 on the ends are the spiritual equivalent of two men each, which is why all the parts of Jesus are hanging out with them.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 27 points 1 week ago (4 children)

🙅 zeroth, first, second, third
👉 Zerost, onest, twost, threest


I had an idea for an offensive consumable item, and I figured I’d share it and get some feedback. Its power scales with the user, so it should presumably be pretty rare. on consuming, it casts a spell, but I didn’t want to make the spell separately so I’m just describing the item as though it was a spell too. it perhaps tries to do a bit too much, but I thought it wouldn’t be the same if I took away any particular aspect.

#The Martyr’s Evil Eye

  • range/area: self / sphere 5ft + 5ft for every level of exhaustion sacrificed
  • duration: instantaneous
  • damage: necrotic / remaining caster HP + 1/3 max HP for every death save sacrificed
  • save: CHA save for half-damage

A black marble with faint green swirls, that seem to move when seen out the corner of the eye. With a willing sacrifice of life force and stamina, the marble cracks open and a necrotic aura radiates out, quickly obscuring those within the sphere. Flashes of green light from within briefly silhouette nightmarish creatures. The aura expands out, reaching its maximum size, before popping like a bubble and exposing the haggard survivors and withered bodies of the dead. The fragments of the marble turn to dust.

Item must be in contact with the caster. All creatures within the radius of the sphere, including the caster, take damage equivalent to the caster’s remaining HP. The caster may increase the damage by 1/3 of their max HP for every death saving throw they sacrifice. All creatures, except the caster, take half-damage on a successful CHA saving throw. Radius of the sphere is 5ft plus an additional 5ft for every level of exhaustion sacrificed.

The item is for self-sacrifice in a moment of desperation. The more you sacrifice, the more damage is dealt, but the lower your chances of escape and survival. Sacrifice more of your own life force to deal more damage to each enemy, sacrifice your exhaustion to deal damage to more enemies. If you sacrifice all 3 death throws, or all 6 levels of exhaustion, then you’re instantly dead, but you deal the maximum damage to maximum enemies.

I thought that an item that always killed the user was kind of boring, so i included the part about death saves. I included the part about exhaustion so that even if the unconscious character is immediately healed back to consciousness, there are still lasting repercussions that make rejoining the fight or even fleeing difficult. Plus it fit thematically - health for health, and effort/exhaustion to cover area.

I also imagined the exhaustion bit as a ring, where you could increase range/area of a spell by spending levels of exhaustion.

What are your thoughts? Its kind of mechanically complicated, but I didn’t know how to simplify it without losing something too much character.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

To be clear, not talking about this community, obviously 😛.

What's the point of writing down rules, if mods just do what they want? But I suppose that's the risk you take when you call someone a liar in a small community; they might be a mod.

Edit: I'm not trying to say that mods suck, they perform a useful and often thankless job. Just that it can be difficult for small communities to get a healthy number of good mods, which can become a problem.

  • Adding a line: ✅
  • Removing a line: ✅
  • Modifying a line: ✅
  • Moving a codeblock: ❌ i see you've rewritten everything, let me just highlight it all.

RIP reviewers on my PR.

(Meme created by my coworker)


Everyone knows that sailor moon would kick Goku's ass in a fight anyway


Nobody wants to run a Roomba while they're still home, right?


Not sure this works with the show.


Like wiping a marker

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