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[–] 5 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Oh wow I didn't actually know he was bipolar (checked to confirm it is the case). I knew he was on the autism spectrum.

I can't imagine those 2 play nice together.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

There's a portion that only hate Elon and not Tesla, but there's a lot of Tesla hate out there as well, and there has been since even before Elon publicly went off the deepend.

Some of that might be decisions that Elon made for Tesla, but it's still at Tesla.

Edit: but I will take your point and say my use of majority in my OP wasn't correct as the majority here is about Elon.

Also, we hear about the buys and sells after the fact, not immediately.

So there's a lag on decisions that may be impactful

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

They're bigger so it's hard to know, but it's usually something like 2.9% + 10c a transaction.

At their scale though who knows

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

The car will still work if you take the radio out or put a faraday cage around it, maybe that'll become a thing in the future, but that might fuck with the paid charging infrastructure for EVs. Doesn't impact gas.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

They should almost just make it so the blaze plan of firebase or other cloud services has a $1 non refundable pre-payment so they can just whittle away at the pennies instead of getting charged processing/transaction fees on a $0.01 transaction. Tops up to $1 if it goes to $0

I think people would pay $1 to enable the paid plans. If you're going that far, you're getting $1 of use out of it.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You should watch - Leave the World Behind

You might be right, but I don't think it'll be because their cars are the easiest to hack, it'll be because they have the most cars out there capable of doing this and it'd be more impactful attack if successful.

(edit: Also they'd be able to exert the most control on their cars with the software/sensors available today at scale. E.g they could more easily have the car drive around until it finds a pedestrian to hit)

(edit: Further, you can make the most changes to a Tesla as they have one of the more (or probably most) advanced OTA update capabilities)

They are definitely a prime target.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

It's not that simple though.

Steam doesn't suffer a piracy problem because what they offer and the cost they offer it at outweighs the DRM, and there are certain things you can't do on the pirated copy because of the DRM (online play / friends / social stuff)

If suddenly valve decided not to do any DRM and the games could be freely copied, played online and use their friend services, of course they'd have a piracy problem. Of course I'd share a copy to all my friends, who would all do the same. (edit: and at that point it's not even piracy anymore, it's just sharing with friends because you aren't circumventing anything)

Valve has found a sweet spot in this regard, but the DRM is important to their success, but we don't have ownership. We can also solve the ownership problem ~~now~~ in the future or at small/medium scale now..

[–] 23 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I've had Google charge me $0.01 before for firebase usage.

They really should have waited until I owed more since that cost them money.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

I know the majority of you hate Tesla, but security is something they do take more seriously. They even take part in pwn2own to help find vulnerabilities.

All auto manufacturers should be taking part in that.

Nothing like winning a car to get people to try and break into it publicly.

Edit: Also details on the 2025 event in January just recently announced.

Oh, well that's a great warning. Glad they put that there.

And ya I already use signal.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Not that I DMd people, but I don't think I knew that, so that's good to know.

But also don't mistake a not for profit as not being able to do something to aquire money to help pay for itself or the salaries of it's people. They could absolutely be looking for ways to monetize this to a certain extent. A not for profit is not a charity.

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