
joined 1 year ago
[–] Microw@lemm.ee 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Closed for registrations = no instance user accounts

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I imagine that HR at some multicountry conglomerate is not your friend. In the middle-sized companies I have worked at HR has been quite supporting when needed. Of course it is also a question of what kind of stuff they are responsible for. For example, bullying is not an HR topic here, there are specific other people for that.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

Given how other impactful contributors to the ActivityPub spec have been presenting their work in public vs how Evan does it, one can certainly get the impression that he is a bit self centered, yeah.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee -3 points 4 days ago

I mean, age of attraction is different for everyone and tbh I don't have an "absolute" problem with a 33yo consensually hooking up with a 18yo. To me, it's simply as weird as hooking up with a senior citizen.

But as this case once again shows, often times the people who go for much younger ones are ignoring when those feel uncomfortable, are not willing to consent, and keep pushing for something. And that is straight up inacceptable.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 21 points 4 days ago (2 children)

This Bix guy seems a bit butthurt.

Like, I am sure there are dozens of definitions for what "social web" is and when it began. And that sentence about Evan surely is sus, but is one sentence on one foundations website. I'm still thinking that this foundation will be pretty irrelevant.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 12 points 5 days ago (1 children)

The Marvels was fun. I get it if you're part of an audience that isn't interested in this type of movie, but for what it was it certainly didn't suck.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

Yes but there currently isnt a button to embed images that you arent uploading from your phone. The image button only lets you upload, not enter a remote image URL. Maybe that would be the easiest one to change for @rmayayo@lemmy.world ?

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

For the german speaking countries, !dach@feddit.org

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 26 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm sure that those agencies have been contacting top players for that game over the last few years. But if those simply dont want to work for them, thats moot.

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Fresh proposals to allow young people to move between the UK and the EU will be presented to the British government within weeks

This is the relevant part of the article

[–] Microw@lemm.ee 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's an Obama type technique. Sure, you might blow up a few innocents, but the rate of eliminated enemies vs killed innocents is better than in traditional warfare, so a numbers guy would always go for that one.


Der ORF baut sein Informationsangebot aus und hat heute Zeit im Bild auf YouTube gestartet.

Daher gehen auf YouTube ab sofort unter ORF Zeit im Bild täglich aktuelle Beiträge aus unterschiedlichsten ORF-Nachrichtensendungen online. Dazu gehören Berichte, Reportagen und Interviews aus den ZIB-Ausgaben in ORF1 und ORF2, aber auch „Aktuell nach eins“ und „Aktuell nach fünf“, „Bundesland heute“, „konkret“ und „ORF III aktuell“ sowie Highlights aus „Im Zentrum“, „Pressestunde“ und „Runder Tisch“.


Also ich wusste nicht, dass Österreich in dieser Sportart so gut ist.

Aber Österreichs Herren haben im Halbfinale der Flag Football Weltmeisterschaft gegen Mexiko mit 36:32 gesiegt und stehen heute im WM-Finale gegen die USA.

Das Finale findet heute, am Freitag (18:15 Uhr) statt. Österreichs Damen werden ab 17 Uhr, also direkt davor, um WM-Bronze kämpfen.

Die Spiele könnt ihr kostenlos, ihr müsst euch nur kurz registrieren, auf ifaf.tv anschauen.


(aber selbst nicht zu Ungarn)


Stört euch das?


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/35145194


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/17540655


The EU Parliament will publish all data on election night from across all EU countries on here:


Projections and estimates by national parties will start to published soon (from 18:00 GMT+2). First overall projection (European overview) at 20:15 GMT+2. Actual results at 23:00 GMT+2.


Hey @rmayayo@lemmy.world , I suspect you're already planning to work on the new stuff added in Lemmy 0.19.04 soon.

Should we expect support for the new features in the near future or will it rather take a while? Just asking so we know what to expect :)


Die erste österreichische Bundeskanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein ist tot. Wie der Verfassungsgerichtshof (VfGH), dem Bierlein rund 16 Jahre angehört hatte, mitteilte, erlag die 74-Jährige am Montag einer kurzen, schweren Erkrankung. Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen zeigte sich tief betroffen, Bierlein habe der Republik in vielen Funktionen treu gedient.


!eurovision@lemmy.world is a place for all fans of the Eurovision Song Contest.

In addition to hosting live threads during the shows, you can find background info posts and memes.

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