
joined 11 months ago
[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

Well that's not true. It's just a real bitch. As a welder, helium leak check is about the toughest damn QC to pass. Most welding QC has some reasonable margin for error during inspection, but the damn helium doesn't care. You can have a beautiful weld with a tiny imperfection at the start or end and it'll piss helium just as badly as an entirely scuffed bead.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 29 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

This is fine, and we thank you for your efforts.

What were talking about here is a rogue crotch spawn running around or under tables, occupied or not, and generally acting like they're in their own living room rather than a shared community space.

Honestly IMO if you can keep them at the table, I can put up with the noise. Sure, it's annoying, but so are kids. It's a package deal. And everyone was a kid at one point in time and therefore has no excuse to complain too loudly. That's reserved for when I have to drag a screeching rug rodent out from under my chair and haul it back to the absentee sperm and egg donors.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

As a welder, much of my work straddles the line between art and mass production. I've made many, many beautiful welds that will never been seen by another person for at least the next 20 years, if ever. Some of the best that come to mind are stainless steel welds on industrial equipment that get buried under paint or insulation. I spent 3 years welding parts for US battleships and Navy cruisers as well as the occasional weird airforce part. Most of those welds will never been seen by living people after leaving my old shop.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 5 points 4 days ago

You can't argue that 40k panders to the LGBT crowd because fuckin obviously if you've ever even looked at a 40k title, but you also can't really argue that 40k isn't at least a little sexual.

You got ratlings, pretty much everything slaanesh, aeldari waifus, and the entire Ciaphas Cain series. And while yeah, you don't exactly get steamy love triangles in mainline 40k lore, you also have callidus assassin's and sisters of silence popping up all the damn time. Sex isn't the focus (mostly. Looking at you ciaphas) but it's certainly present in the setting.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So toasting a sammich is cooking, but making the sammich isn't?

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee -1 points 1 week ago

Lolol really? Taking into account the whole life cycle? Did they factor in how long it's going to take to decontaminate, say, Chernobyl? That's unfair, because that was an accident. How about Lake Karachay?

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

Just create cheap RTGs with the radioactive waste. Invent the process and give humanity the best of both worlds. All you have to do is increase the power generation from a few hundred watts up an order of magnitude using garbage instead of actual purpose engineered materials. Simple.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's worse than stumbling into a mine. Look up RTGs. They're nuclear batteries that have half lives of ~90 years that the USSR loved to sprinkle all over the woods when they couldn't be assed to maintain their own infrastructure for more than a few years. They were largely abandoned during the collapse, but hunters and scavengers still find these things and even drag them back to the village from time to time. Kills a few dumb villagers pretty bad every time it happens. There are more than 1000 of these things still out there, mostly unaccounted, and very few if any even have warning signs, let alone high security like a fence.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You're glazing over a LOT of R&D accidents, not to mention the infrastructure that supports and facilitates nuclear power generation.

Yeah, the actual power generation plant is relatively small compared to a wind farm or solar plant, but you're skipping the nuclear material refinement centers, the environmental challenges and risks posed by transportation and storage of nuclear material, and completely ignoring the storage of spent radioactive materials. Yucca mountain nuclear waste facility was constructed for a reason.

I'm all for nuclear power, but you need to get into the gritty if you're going to make a good faith attempt at comparing it to other methods of power production. The entire process of producing fissionable materials is extremely expensive, power intensive, and uses incredibly toxic chemistry to get it done.

Fusion looks great on paper, but we're still having a hell of a time figuring out how to capture energy from reactions that last millionths of a second.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I see you've watched a single special on Netflix and consider yourself an expert on the matter. Good for you.

As a welder who has actually fabricated parts for nuclear reactors, you don't know shit about ass. The core always touches water, that's how a PWR works. Any void whatsoever in the core would displace the water that acts as a moderator and instantly shut down any chain reaction.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Seeing as a PWR isn't really capable of exploding in the way you're describing, horseshit. At worst, it can flash boil a bunch of water and melt. Besides that, the containment building alone is miles better than anything the USSR ever commissioned. All you need to do to have a safe reactor is to take the goddamn people out of it.

[–] LordGimp@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Full auto Barrett should do the trick.


I'm sorry to post again. I tried finding a "lastimages" lemmy but I couldn't.

Bear was laid to rest at 10:50am 16th of September 2024. I had him for 15 and a half beautiful years. We went for walks just about every day and he was the king of his block. Neighbors and friends come and go but my stinky man was always finding something to smell in the next bush. Even when the weather was against him, he could always sneak around and find something new stuck to grandma's shoes.

He loved nothing more than salmon, PINK salmon (none of that red or smoked nonsese), and so he ate pink salmon every day he could. His kibbles were never empty for long and the house just wasnt right if he didn't have at least 3 different glasses to drink from at any time. Though we bought him beds and blankets enough to supply a small army, he loved sleeping on news paper more than anything else. Something about inconveniencing the humans by weight of his sheer existence I'm sure.

We bothered him constantly his last two days, making him absolutely sick of us. We pet and loved him every moment of these last two days, and I held him sleeping on my chest for hours this morning. I don't think he could possibly have been more fed up with our emotional human nonsense if we'd tried. But I stayed with him every last second, and the last thing he could see when his eyes dilated was me.

I will never stop loving my boy.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by LordGimp@lemm.ee to c/cat@lemmy.world

Pretty sure I'm going to have to put my beautiful baby boy to rest on Monday. He's been getting very lethargic and lost his appetite. Spent 48 hours at the vet and he was treated for pancreatitis, kidney disease, and now we find heart failure. He's back home with all the meds he could need and he's comfortable.

He's my 17 year old very special boy. We've been extremely lucky with only 2 minor health issues that needed vet care and otherwise normal visits with clean bills of health. He's always been very strong (if very picky when it comes to eating) and he's been with me through the death of my mother and father.

Im honestly feeling pretty lost right now, but every time I look at him I can't help but feel it's time. He's got the best chance the vet can give him, but I still don't want to watch him suffer.

I really don't have much faith, but if you do, please pray for Bear.

Edit: Bear was laid to rest at 10:50am. It was extremely fast and he was so out of it he barely felt a thing. His suffering is over and so mine begins.

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