
joined 1 year ago
[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Seems I got a fairly good idea from your answer and OPs post.

Seems VP1 is more optimistic in its outlook by comparison as your companions seemed to have already been qualified to be tested to join the ranks for Ragnarök. But seems to place more value on an individual character as it has effect on the meta-narrative value.

I do know that CotP deals with some pretty heavy topics of the reality of the period and I did appreciate that rawness to it as it helped sell the setting and provide sufficient investment to see how far the rabbit hole went.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I have only played Covenant of the Plume - not sure that falls in the franchise - and I recall that game was grounded in human politics and the exploring the personal stories of the characters one interacts with.

It seems to be a more personal journey as the characters that one has access to and what type of story arc one plays is decided by the decisions one makes through the story and having to weigh the value of human life against a backdrop of colourful characters.

Seems the games are similiar in concept and design with some differing gameplay mechanics

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Kamiki: Smugly All according to the plan

Aqua: I am Karma, I am become Death

Kamiki : What?

Aqua does the thing of confronting Kamiki with his two favourite murder methods

I am enjoying the manga with its symbolism and all, although I am more for the exploration of the human condition than the supernatural elements

Liked the introspection of peace and compassion from Aqua before commiting to the bit - nice moment of reflection on how heavy and commited he has been to enact his revenge but done with a lighter tone showing him being honest with himself and finding clarity in thought.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Reading that, seems you were fortunately not traveling too fast, as I can imagine traveling along, the sudden stop, falling over face first into the packed snow and just sort of enacting an image of your one foot being propped like a hand trying to pull excalibur from the snow.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I understand that

It was years between the robbery ( headed back home after spending time with my then girlfriend) and the attempted assault ( work decided to have me work around that area) and I would always be uneasy but trying not to look like a too easy a mark again while thinking of "what if" scenarios as it feels like one's intution is on a fine tuned edge being alert for anything that seems suspicious.

I guess it could be described as practical fear

After the attack, I was insistent and since then do my utmost to keep as far away from that area as possible.

I will admit, I also felt apprehension like how you might have felt like when I started posting details

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

I was paranoid as I was robbed in that area before to which I froze, but the police were around then and arrested one of the suspects.

The paranoia part comes from thinking that they might have wanted revenge as I ID'd and provided a statement that allowed it to be prosecuted ( got a call from a prosecutor) for the robbery.

So the immediate thought was if it was payback, as they said nothing through the whole ordeal, but realistically, if it was they would have not run away so quickly or took advantage of my poor positioning.

The most rationale thinking in hindsight is that it was a bunch of meth-heads were looking for quick score and by me escalating they decided for a quick and dirty robbery instead.

That area where I used to work is dangerous and I know I got really lucky considering considering the type of incidents that do happen there

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Reminds me of what a friend told with his grandfather when he was cutting wood for a carpentry project with a handheld wood saw, it slipped out of his hand and, I guess on instinct, tried to grabbed before it fell, if I recall he got some nasty lacerations from catching it on the blade before switching it off.

So I can only imagine what it might feel working with something that cuts before you can even register the damage. That was a close call, especially with the momentum of your movement could have done some irreparable damage to your hand.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Also lucky that that the impact of the fall didn't cause any other damage to your legs as it took the impact like a champ from the momentum of the flip and sudden stop if I am assuming it was something like a 1-story distance from the deck to the ground?

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Thank you for the clarity

And that must have been an experience to say the least, feeling the "edge of death" with every foot step

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

That is scary to think of having no control for who knows how long and when coming to a stop and realise that you missed the worst part of it at the end.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Thinking on it, must have been an experience - knowing something worked just enough to remind one of how much it protected them.

I am not knowledgeable about the ballistic resistance of a helmet, but to me that seems like a quality helmet to be able to stop a bullet in its tracks - especially if it was a caliber higher than a pistol, I make the assumption.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

That is like the opposite of something out of Final Destination


It can be whatever, but has anyone ever experienced a moment or moments that has happened to them that defies one's expectations so wildly that they cannot reasonably define it beyond stupid dumb luck?

I still play this scenario out in my mind years later as I am still somewhat in disbelief that it actually happened and I walked away without any injuries.

I like to joke, saying my guardian angel tripped me at the perfect time.

Scenario describing my event in question:


I noticed two suspicious individuals and as I past them they started to walk towards me. My response was to shout and make a scene while trying to make distance crossing the road without concern for traffic - road was quiet, early in the morning on a holiday as I was on my way to work.

The suspicious individuals responded by rushing towards me as one produced a knife and prepared it in lunging stance like someone preparing to slam a knife into a board.

I knew I couldn't outrun them, no self-defense training, the best I could come up was extend my left hand out to minimise the target area of my vital organs. I was preparing for the worst and I guess fight or flight was preparing for a last stand fight.

What happened next is that I tripped on the pavement in the middle of the road at the exact same time the guy with the knife lunged.

He went flying over me - in an arc - from the momentum of the lunge with everything of his flying everywhere including his knife, his accomplice rushed into my periphery.

I landed in probably the worst scenario lying on my back, but I tried to keep the attackers in view. I don't know why but the guy - who disarmed himself from the fall - panicked and picked up all his stuff and started running with his accomplice in tow.


Will future generations look at how big corporations do business today like drug dealers - have a product and then try and hijack the brain into continuously wanting or using said product - like how medical herion and cocaine were used as acceptable medical treatments in , I hopefully, assume ignorance

I mean maybe it won't matter in the future, but was thinking how today's society seems to be in an "addiction" culture. I mean in a sense that research is done into how to keep people engaged and hooked onto something to control how your brain perceives things and then profit off it like some drug dealer making their drugs more addictive to retain and expand their client list.

Writing it I feel like some conspiracy nut calling corpo - drug dealers, but I look at these monetization schemes, manipulations of "big savings", data harvesting and manipulation and how actions are taken to narrow one's view towards a specific option.

It all seems like it tries to draw you in and then once its got you tries get you to "do one more hit".


So it probably seems preachy posting it, but hey who knows could be a nice reminder that what you think is cool now will be probably ridiculed by future generations.



A.I. should held to the same ethical standard we hold humans, because humans will find ways to abuse A.I. use for potentially unethical means.

Mildly infuriated at the potential of A.I. manipulation by bad actors

Tldr end

I firstly want to say that I believe A.I. Development has a place to be worked on and has the potential for human growth but I also feel mildly infuriated at the potential money sink out-of-control corporations could develop.

I've seen arguments increase about A.I. and usually the heated arguments are very specific to a particular aspect. It does make me feel frustrated and I am trying to maybe express an aspect of A.I. use too I guess.

I am not trying to start any wars on the ethics of the use A.I. however I feel that there should be some form of ethics implemented. I guess that line of thought falls in with calls for regulation.

If I glance at how social media and games go when A.I. is used as means to figure out how to make the "factory must grow" it feels like things will only get worse as there will be an ever increasing drive for getting one more currency. The more the algorithm grows and refines the more lifeless things seem to get. All this with just "basic" A.I. models.

Efficiency increases, but what is the cost?

If I compare something like Reddit to Lemmy... Lemmy feels more "alive" because social interaction without the "corporate machine interface" trying to analyze you feels organic at the moment as you know there is a human and not a bot trying to make you engage.

My anger is not at the A.I., but more the way A.I. can provide unethical actors a means to push a questionable agenda. One can already see it with things like influencers and targeted advertising with human actors, and once said unethical actors figure out how to train and develop A.I. to successfully mimic a human I fear for the control said actors will push towards an unsustainable precipice towards a desired state of consciousness.

Maybe it is fear of a dystopian future, but I fear the reality of said future is more real if A.I. doesn't have ethics either.

If said topic is not in line within forum discussion, please let me know and I will remove it and if possible please direct me to a more appropriate instance

Thank you for you time


Calling out the corrupting influence and its effect




**"Their is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery." **

Consider it a template and to avoid feeling dirty taking from Reddit image source.

To not repost from Reddit I will provide a source quote:


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