
joined 9 months ago
[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

What is the reference for the guy on the left? The not-saruman one

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 11 points 4 days ago (1 children)
[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

The same water that softens the potato, hardens the egg. Not all of us were raised in the same conditions, not all of us had the same factors weighting on us.

It is not about overlooking your strength, it is about having some empathy for those of us who aren't as strong as you, yet still fought to get out of that vortex of hatred.

Trust me, it was not my intention to overlook your struggles, and I sincerely apologize.

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Indoctrination is a very powerful force. I am glad he broke free from some of the chains and saw the error of his ways, but he has a lot of work to do to make amends, especially after being such a hateful asshole for so long, having such reach and such a voice.

Some people manage to break free and it should be celebrated and supported, because often times, especially for teens, trying to break free leads to excommunication, and becoming a pariah, and after your teens, changing becomes way, way harder.

Sincerely, a formerly indoctrinated homophobe, now an atheist, gay and fierce defender of many rights.

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly, this feels like a meme. I have been eating man ass for years and I am yet to find someone with an unwashed butthole. Considering how often I see this claim, one would think it would be a more common problem.

Not saying it can't happen but, Do you have any first hand experience to support the "So many men don't" part?

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Issue is, salaries are not enough, some credit cards give great benefits and cashbacks, and sadly the credit system is being exported to other countries, it is no longer an US only problem.

First time I tried to get a mortgage, I got rejected by multiple banks due to my "inexistent credit footprint", which was just the local flavor of a credit score. The banks even offered to give me credit cards, encouraging me to use them and NOT pay them off to prove I had a good payer behavior. Got lucky and found a credit union who didn't ask for any of that but had higher interest rates, so lose-lose situation.

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

They do, according to the studies I have read. And unlike a lot of studies, that default to male violence in straight cases of domestic violence, a lot of the lesbic cases seem to be tagged as mutual violence.

Don't know if it is bias on the measuring bodies, since a lot of people claim female on male violence is not a thing, and that the moment a man strikes a woman, no matter the circumstances, it is male on female. Including a case I witnessed, where a female family member attacked her boyfriend with a knife, he disarmed her and since he bruised her while doing so, he was removed from the house and lost custody of his own daughter.

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 16 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Same, I am bi, and that is the reason I stopped trying to date women, or anyone who behaves like that for good measure, because some guys try to pull that same stunt.

I want a partner who is as interested and as into dating me as I am into dating them, someone who puts the time in and makes an effort, makes me and my time feel valued, and is also willing to to invest themselves and their time on me, and I don't know if I was just unlucky, but I never found a woman who was into that. But then again, I pretty much only dated teens and women in their early 20s, as I liked dating people on my own age group and it was at those ages that I was actively dating women.

But from an outsider's perspective, now on my late 30s, the straight dating market looks awful, I think I'll stick with men.

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Honestly, I agree with you and with them. They chose said painting because it is incredibly expensive, so it represents how much people are willing to pay for a painting, while not doing an effort to care for the world we live in.

According to my sources, another reason was that the painting was encased in glass, so they saw it as a great target for the stunt, to get attention, while not causing any damage to the actual work of art.

So, the message being "Look at how much you people's care about us "destroying" a work of art, but nobody gives a shit about the people who are destroying the world".

[–] Ifera@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

That is fantastic, personally, I would hace given the turkey a nice umulat(◌̈/¨) to keep up with the times, but your meme skills are still on point.

Never change <3


She is very ill, and might not make it through the night, so I thought a picture of her on a happy day would cheer me up, and perhaps others.

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