
joined 1 year ago
[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 1 points 18 hours ago

Saying the universe was created, implies a creator.

I assume it was just something that happened.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 54 points 22 hours ago (8 children)

Gotta keep the American dream alive.

Give people hope.

People with hope don’t revolt because they still have something to lose.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 5 points 22 hours ago

They’re being sued my 2 millionaire estates, a liability waiver is not enough, and I’m guessing Nargeolet (the explorer,) wasn’t exactly broke.

Usually liability waivers only apply to “reasonable “ risks that are known to both parties. “We might implode because we cheated out and aren’t doing the inspections and were using materials basic material science says we shouldn’t,” likely isn’t covered- it’s reasonable to assume they’re operating a safe sub when it blatantly wasn’t.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

had me giggling in the first half, since I knew where it was going. Had me snorting by the end.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Grand Old Pricks

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It really is basic engineering.


Probably not even 101. We’re talking about material selection…. And the properties aren’t exactly unknown and the necessary capabilities aren’t unknown.

The only think that was really unknown is how many dived it had. (CF can be fickle. It’s almost certain there were Minor defects. That’s just something you engineer around, sure, but you never know how close those defects are to becoming not-minor, and it really doesn’t take much. A single micro crack in the wrong place and… well, it probably happened fast enough that they didn’t even know.)

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You, know that you’re supposed to replace the frame if you crash because of similar issues (specifically delaminating being hard to identify without destructive testing )

Just saying.

Though I do believe it’s never imploded….hehe.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 31 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (7 children)

That’s the problem with the carbon fiber.

Composites like that have a limited lifespan, and they’re very hard to model- there’s a lot of assumptions going into the modeling like “the fibers are all laid perfectly” and “the resin-to-fiber ratio is perfect” and similar. It’s also super hard to check for defects.

Normally, a lot of this is worked around by increasing the amount of CFC to provide a margin if error.

The problem is that you eat up that margin of error as defects expand under the cyclic stress of going down and coming back up.

Worse, they were not inspecting the pressure hull in a way that could detect the nano- and -micro-cracks so they could tell when it was time to take it out of service.

(That kind of inspection is ridiculously expensive. Like. Yeah.)


Normally this is avoided by using (very expensive) materials like titanium alloys that are “strong” enough to not fatigue after a few trips. (Strong isn’t quite the right word.

Or extremely expensive (to make) acrylic (PMMA,). It’s expensive to make because of some extremely exacting tolerances.

Incidentally, one of the reasons acrylic is used a lot is its transparency makes it super easy to see defects like cracks. (Literally you can see them with no special equipment.)

In any case while CF isn’t exactly cheap, it was less expensive than a titanium hull, or the acrylic bubble hull you see on the Triton subs; but the whole inspection thing got nixed because of greed.

Fun fact; the only reason this hearing is happening is because two of the passengers were rich. Normal people don’t get this dog and pony show.

Other fun fact: they signed liability waivers. Which makes this a very fun dog and pony show.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 52 points 1 day ago (12 children)

Greed. not "explorer passion".

The risks weren't unknown. People have been building submersibles capable of reaching that depth for quite some time, most of the people involved are very willing to share their lessons learned and give feedback. They were consulting with NASA and Boeing, both dropped it (I suspect because of a distinct unwillingness to heed their advice and warnings.).

OceanGate willfully ignored the risks, and the warnings, cut corners and found out. unfortunately four others found out, too. Though I only really feel bad for the kid.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

gonna have to ask you to do me a solid.... gonna need you to catch another one of the cute spooky-cat for Bleptober.

Alex is adorable.

(just saying.)

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

It at least half will complain about the couch porn to Mike… or at least to the chat bit…

So it’s meant to annoy Mike even more.

And as far as I’m concerned… he can’t be punished enough.

[–] FuglyDuck@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

day she was exhibiting very interesting behavior, meowing constantly, rolling around and rubbing up against everything,

This is a good sign. she's getting her scent on things, marking it as hers. (hopefully, you included.) This suggests she's cozy enough to stake a claim.

as for spaying- I would suggest it. though I'm sure you could get better explanations and an idea of why from a vet. (also as another said... inside cats sometimes like to escape. met my timeshare cat because he's a carrot thief... and they were my carrots...)


Saw this going to a friend’s house- they bagged the fire hydrants….one thought was snow; but this is the first year apparently. And snow has been a mild issue this year compared to most.


Snow on Thursday.


Due to reasons... I've "adopted" a CR10s that a friend had bought. It was used, and was already well on it's way to being a janky Printer of Theseus. My hope is to get it up and running and put through it's paces before the holidays so I can give it back as a gift.

With the linear rail upgrades, I picked up the hardware and it's on it's way; which got me looking at how to do the upgrade, which I have mostly figured out; the question I'm having is, most upgrades seem to place the rails on 2020 extrusions sitting on top of the base frame- same as how the original y axis 2040's were designed.

Which raises the question- why not lower it so the 2020 rails are even with the frame, with the mgn12 rail sitting on top? Like so:

The short answer I came to is this would necessitate replacing the brackets for the y stepper motor and it's idler; but it should be possible. the easiest solution would be something like:

which raises the question: are printed parts rigid enough to hold against the tension on the belts? The motors can't handle too much tension anyhow, and the printer already has the screw-cap tensioners for x and y printed that seem to have been holding up well.

has anybody replaced the OG metal bracket on the back? does it stress and need replacing often, or is it fairly reliable (and above all, consistent,)


Which do you use and why? Which one gets it cleaner. If it matters we have “real” winters here, meaning snow cruft and salt that absolutely must be removed.

Edit to clarify: I’m talking about a choice in automated car washes- not hand washing cars. Seems people are getting confused. Touchless is a few passes with a pressure washer. Soft touch adds spinning car-wash brush things.


Lockouts save lives

Usually idiots, but sometimes we’re all idiots.


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