
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

The issue is when you refuse to engage in the legal process at all you lose the right to find compromise. It's the same reason Alex Jones was defaulted.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

What was in 93-94?

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Is this the lowest rated year of movies ever? Does rotten tomatoes do average ratings by year?

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

It's got good trains.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Maybe someone else would be a better judge on what the source is. I know the UK had a period of more entrenched socialist policies prior to Thatcher that may affect the general population's perceptions of the movement. The poisonous Murdoch newspaper/media ecosystem can't help either.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

The allegations are that outlaw bikie gang members were acting as delegates and were involved in government-funded projects. It comes off the back of the Victorian branch's leader John Setka being expelled from the ALP due to some ugly allegations of domestic abuse.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

The difference between my experiences in the UK and Australia were... interesting. Being upfront, my time in the UK was extremely radicalisng.

In the UK there was a general distain from the media and most people I met for the labour movement. While at the time there was some real bright spots like seeing crowds singing The Internationale, it was mostly an extremely depressing environment. I think the number of people who are a part of their union is similar to Australia but there seems to be a more aggressive negative sentiment from non-members. But my experience was that there was some really strong displays of solidarity despite the outside attacks. But the level of wealth inequality was sickening and probably not helped by a cultural obsession with the monarchy.

Back in Australia you'd think there would be strong culture of working class solidarity, with the Australian Labor Party (ALP) being the first Labor party to have ever formed government in the world in 1904, but its [solidarity has] been in steep decline here since the 80s with union membership down from nearly half of all workers to close to 10%. Despite that decline, the unions here still hold a lot of influence, being a key driver behind the general strike in 2005 where 1/2 million people marched against exploitative employment laws. The unions also control the majority of 'superannuation' funds which all employers make compulsory payments into on behalf of their workers, and the unions own some successful energy cooperatives, insurers and credit unions. However the movement is going through a particularly rough patch this last month with corruption allegations, and parliamentary interventions, some sketchy leadership issues and some sharp divisions appearing along gender lines, all while the ALP adopts increasingly neo-liberal policies.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

June 2023, a picture of my daughter.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Haha I wish I could manage 365 days of leisure time.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

So long as you enjoyed all 6 minutes. A full album might offer more long term value.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

I have a $10/hour entertainment budget. If a movie ticket is $15 and I get 1.5 hours of entertainment then it was a good purchase. if I pick up a game for $60 then I expect to get at least 6 hours of fun from it.

Using this measure I've decided books provide some of the highest value entertainment and fancy restaurants some of the lowest value entertainment.

But that's just me.


Rugrats, Pokémon, The Simpsons, The Clone Wars... There's a bunch of possibilities.


...“We believe Artificial Intelligence can save lives – if we let it. Medicine, among many other fields, is in the stone age compared to what we can achieve with joined human and machine intelligence working on new cures. There are scores of common causes of death that can be fixed with AI, from car crashes to pandemics to wartime friendly-fire.”

As I type this, the nation of Israel is using an AI program called the Gospel to assist its airstrikes, which have been widely condemned for their high level of civilian casualties...


I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?


I just donated to support Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodians to continue the Waddananggu cultural ceremony on their lands near Adani's mine.

Waddananggu started because the protection of the land, air, animals and sacred springs are more important than Adani's destruction of the environment and cultural heritage for coal mining.

Harsh conditions, flooding rains, and fine dust mean they continuously need repairs for camping gear, vehicles, solar panels, and the communications tower. On top of that, they have ongoing costs for food, medical supplies, fuel, and transporting family to and from Waddananggu.

Our donations are needed and helps with the continuation of this important stand on Country. Will you join me?


In earlier eras, the manifesto was an important organ of radical political and aesthetic movements; prominent examples in the history of the genre include of course those of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, André Breton, or, more recent, the Dogme 95 group. These days, in which radical political ideas of the Left or the Right have only recently begun to become mainstream again, it is unsurprising that the manifesto seems to be a historical relic.

But the genre received a new entry with Marc Andreessen’s “Techno-Optimist Manifesto,” published last October on the website of Andreessen Horowitz, perhaps the very bluest of Silicon Valley’s blue-chip venture capital firms. That apparently radical manifestos are now being produced by billionaire technocapitalists might be cause for alarm among our nineteenth- and twentieth-century ancestors. But it really shouldn’t surprise us, at least those who pay attention to the kind of rhetoric coming regularly from Sand Hill Road and its environs. Hardly content with the accumulation of fortunes unprecedented in history and their resulting political power, a small number of our new ruling overlords clearly want to be taken seriously as thinkers, too...


Ah, it recently announced a $48,000 spaceship bundle, the latest in an ongoing line, which contains every ship in the game and is apparently only accessible to those who've already spent $1,000...


Picture of the Tesla Optimus Gen 2 robot raising a fist on a blue background

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