[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 day ago

Ah, gotcha. Thanks!

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 23 points 1 day ago

I don't know who won, but I can tell you the American public lost. :(

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 days ago

Video is private, can't watch?

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 days ago

I've been on Fi for years, I think basically since the first year they started ProjectFi. So much cheaper than my old Verizon or sprint accounts...

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

A good Tribes game is not in the cards right now. Players should try harder to be entertained.

(this is a play on a quote from the admins of an old Hi-Rez game called Global Agenda. During the nightly clan vs clan competitive "global map" window, the game was broken, matches wouldn't load or crash part-way through. Players submitted a ton of tickets, and some of them were not constructive and just said "Fix the game". Admins got butt-hurt and spammed the entire player-base with "Fixing the game is not in the cards right now. Players should try harder to win."... I am still very salty about that...)

Edit: Oddly enough, this was right after they launched Tribes: Ascend, just to bring the leap of context full circle.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 28 points 5 days ago

You are expecting dominos to do it for you. That's literally what you are asking. They aren't going to do that for you because they make more money if you ignore the "deals". Even a tiny barrier is going to keep out some number of people that don't find value in spending 30 seconds to save 25% on a $30 tab because they have the money to not even notice, which increases profitability. Their line goes up. Our system forces all these companies to worry about that line going up.

That said, they aren't trying to hide it from you, it is the largest thing on their store page, and their people on the phone will happily tell you about it.

Someone else made the same analogy, it is just like going to a drive through and ordering a burger, fries, and drink separately and not asking for a combo. Same products, but most places it will cost you more to order them separately than to order the combo.

If you are still mad about it, you aren't mad at Dominos, you are mad at the core of our current economic system.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 18 points 5 days ago

Dude could have saved like $6+tax and gotten more food, and is still arguing that nothing could have been done...

Lead a horse to water and all that...

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 58 points 5 days ago

What's mildly infuriating here is OP... People are trying to explain how you could have saved almost 1/3 of your purchase price and you just argue with them and keep shouting from your soapbox.

Unfortunately, price shopping is a part of every transaction if you are trying to get the best deal. If you aren't invested enough to read the largest banner on the shop website to save almost 1/3 of your total, then getting the best price was clearly not a concern when you ordered. Yes, you are expected to do that yourself, just like buying anything else in the commerce system we have been using for decades. It's real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 121 points 1 month ago

Find a member of staff and ask where the "human bathrooms" are. Don't let them leave until they explain. Bonus points if you piss your pants while they are trying to explain.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 41 points 1 month ago

I've been 100% on Linux since July of last year. I thought I was currently having my first major Linux fucked up situation that I just could not figure out this weekend.

It has been very depressing, after trying to convince friends and family to give Linux a chance and keep an open mind for months, I was beginning to feel like a fraud and a liar.

But, after hours of software troubleshooting turning up nothing I've discovered I'm in the early stages of a dying ssd... My first major problem, and it's hardware related. It sucks but it is also a relief in a weird way.

And I'm finding out about it way earlier than I likely would have in windows thanks to btrfs. But it's also funny because if I had been having similar issues in windows I probably would have ran hardware diag much sooner, but because I'm still a bit of a Linux newbie I assumed I broke my OS and wasted hours troubleshooting software.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 47 points 2 months ago

meh. folder is 2 syllables, directory is like 4. I'm lazy. If someone gave me a clear one syllable alternative that others would know what I meant (even if while cringing), i'd probably start using that instead. I've tried just "dir", but no one ever knows wtf i'm saying.

[-] Crozekiel@lemmy.zip 43 points 3 months ago

I tried to explain "all your base" to a 20 year old coworker the other day... I felt sooo old when I realized it was older than they were.

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