
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (1 children)

if the code changes and the comment isn’t updated accordingly, it can be ambiguous.

People always cite this as a reason comments are bad. In 30+ years as a developer I have seen (and participated in) a lot of failed software projects, but not once has a mismatch between comments and code been the actual cause of the failure. Moreover, the same logic could be applied to the names of methods and variables ("if the code changes and the method and variable names aren’t updated accordingly, it can be ambiguous") but nobody ever suggests getting rid of that. At the end of the day, comments are useful for imparting information about the code to future developers (or yourself) that is too complicated to be adequately communicated by a method name.

Ain't nobody fuck with tiny hippo. Ain't nobody.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I spent my 30s feeling like a retiree, but then I bought a bicycle at age 39 and started riding 25-50 miles a day. Now I'm approaching my 60s and I'm in the best shape of my life. Barring catastrophic and permanent injuries, I think the main problem with aging is that being sedentary causes your body to decay and the older you are the more time you've had to be sedentary. Get up off your dead asses, people, and don't tell me you don't have the time for exercise. You have plenty of time to watch TV and scroll through your phones, turn some of that time into something useful.

I've only ever really felt jealousy when it involved a woman turning me down and then sleeping with somebody else. As long as I'm allowed in the club, I don't really care how many other people have been let in.

as long as she had clearly chagee


[–] 102 points 2 days ago (4 children)

that’s when I told her about the escorts.

Jesus Christ, never admit that you drove a Ford.

You'd have to be living under a rock to not be aware of Musk's political side at this point ... and rocks are too expensive for anybody to afford any more.

[–] 61 points 3 days ago (3 children)

This shit again. Those numbers are nothing to worry about at all, they're just meant for the Russian sleepers sitting in their apartments next to NATO military facilities, telling them to continue not setting off their hydrogen bombs. I don't know why people worry about this.

Used to be, you got one comic with the sunday paper. There was no bingeing your favorite comics you just waited until they came out.

I mean, this is true if "used to be" means "prior to WWII" (or maybe even earlier). Publishers have been putting out collections of comic strips in book form for a very long time - I grew up in the '70s reading Pogo compendiums published in the 1960s.

[–] 12 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I once used the word twat around my then-girlfriend and she "corrected" me, insisting it was pronounced "twah". Turns out she thought people saying it were trying to use the French word toit and mispronouncing it. No idea why she thought anybody would want to call somebody else a French roof.

I used to work for a software company that was a beneficiary of a $12 million a year political pork grant from the state of Louisiana that was officially intended for improving industrial and manufacturing capability in Louisiana. Somehow, my company was managing to spend this money in Mississippi, and giving it to a national defense contractor that wasn't exactly in desperate need of (more) government handouts. That's how fucking corrupt Mississippi is: they even suck in the corruption from their corrupt neighbors, while making sure that not a penny of that shit goes towards improving a state that I would describe as third-world if it wouldn't be so insulting to the third world.

It's worth mentioning that German cryptologists had some considerable success cracking British codes as well, notably including the cyphers the Admiralty used to communicate with merchant ships in convoys during the first half of the war. This was a major factor behind Britain nearly losing the Battle of the Atlantic before they even had a chance to participate in the re-invasion of continental Europe in 1944.

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