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[–] 10 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

Seems like it might carry the slight risk of someone cheating to intentionally become a frog for the lols?

The last bit about the big bang isn't really how it works to my understanding. The big bang is compared to an explosion, but its actually more like a balloon inflating, if you imagine the surface of the balloon as analogous to space. The galaxies don't all move away from some original center to the universe, new bits of space get "added" in between every bit of space, so that every object gets farther away from every other object. If you go backwards in time far enough, every point sees itself as being the center. At least, that's how I've seen it explained.

Israel is absolutely stopping them from forming their own state in the west bank and Gaza, indeed, the fact that Israeli settlements keep getting built on the west bank makes it actively harder over time for such a state to be created. The agreement of much of the world doesnt help much when the land in question is under occupation.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Yes, I don't think Israel should be destroyed, for the record, there's been enough time since it's founding that people have been born and grown up there without having a say in it's founding after all. But the Palestinians need to be full citizens of some state or another, a proper state with international recognition, sovereignty and the capacity to defend itself against Israel in the future to the extent that is reasonably possible. In theory that could be an Isreal that didn't discriminate against them, but as far as current tensions stand, that seems very unlikely to be stable without one group or the other seeking to disenfranchise the other or worse, so they should have their own state, or states potentially depending on how one decides to handle the issue of the west bank and gaza not being geographically connected.

[–] 54 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (19 children)

Which hardly matters when people are taking the homes of people living there currently and killing them. What difference does it make if some of someone's ancestors centuries ago lived in that general part of the world?

You could justify European colonialism in Africa under similar logic, on the grounds that since humans evolved there before spreading out to the rest of the world, all Europeans have ancestors that lived on that continent at some point in the past and would merely be "reclaiming" it.

[–] 59 points 4 days ago (6 children)

Probably not, because contrary to what video games would indicate, water does not prevent all fall damage.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago

It can be produced in a renewable manner even if it currently usually isn't (though it is a net consumer of energy to create it that way, so it's more like a sort of battery when used that way than an energy source), so if the downsides can be worked around and the economics worked out (a difficult proposition I expect given hydrogen is in a similar position and all the issues that one has) it has potential to work as a renewable vehicle fuel.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

I thought you were talking about my username for a second before looking at the context and was concerned x3

[–] 51 points 5 days ago (10 children)

tbf, a billionaire right in front of you isnt that scary even if thats what you're afraid of, its the abstracted effects of their power and actions. A billionaire right in front of you in the flesh is something you can physically harm with your own two fists alone, a widespread system is not.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I'm not really convinced that this would change their behavior much tbh, given that corporations are already prone to sacrificing their own financial future for short term profit increases, despite existing for nothing but financial gain.

[–] 33 points 1 week ago (18 children)

It wasn't a genre I enjoy, so I don't really know much about it beyond the stuff about how badly it sold. I have to wonder though, just how bad does a game have to be to sell this badly? Whenever I see people complain about something in gaming, I inevitably see people talking about how people should vote with their wallets, but then whatever the thing in question is seems to be quite profitable despite the complaints and calls for people to stop buying it. What was so wrong with this one that actually caused practically nobody to buy it?


Specifically the type of printer that prints using spools of plastic filament, but that seems like the most common type anyway


Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we'd had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.


They literally took the gold provinces- all the gold provinces that have generated in south america this run as far as I can find, and nothing else. Kinda looks like open wounds or something else gross with that combination of map colors.

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