
joined 1 year ago
[–] 37 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Jack Burkman everyone.

Judge Marrero found that Burkman and Wohl had violated several federal and state civil rights laws, including the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and the Ku Klux Klan Act.

Charged with a law designed to fight the Klan and named as so. Two peas LOL

[–] 13 points 6 days ago

I would say the tsunami has started and the dams are breaking. Just turn on the news and see how many companies or Industries are doing away with DEI programs.

Effects Were Immediate: After less than three months, parties or judges have invoked the new ruling in 110 cases, with more likely to come.

That ruling led dissenting Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to warn that the “tsunami of lawsuits against agencies that the Court’s holding in this case and Loper Bright have authorized has the potential to devastate the functioning of the Federal Government.”

It’s too early to say whether a legal tsunami is coming,

[–] 29 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (5 children)

Tin foil on your balls or labia will stop 5G from entering your brain. If all else fails, try rectal carrots. They have cyanidin 3-ferulylxyloglucosyl galactoside which block receptors in the soul from receiving 410 MHz to 7125 MHz frequencies.

  • The guy was spotted with the knife and walked on a train with no more than two officers engage him.
  • They used the taser and it failed.
  • He walks out and they immediately chase and pull guns.
  • He stops and is standing 5-7 ft away with cops on both sides.
  • At least two officers stand off with him.

For all the money they spent, why was it only two officers? I thought it would fix everything? Instead another shooting with innocent people being affected.

[–] 45 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That was a great fucking episode. They broke everything down and Fetterman is a Democrat in designation only. He has some real "the south will rise again" vibes.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Jill Stein filled out the wrong paper work and never corrected it. It makes her seem incompetent.

Dems, rightfully, challenged that she miss the deadline and had the wrong paperwork. See Florida for why these is right. They routinely have candidates of the same name to confuse people. Always targeted at the Democratic party. They don't want to win, they just want to make sure Democrats lose.

Jill Stein is looking for special treatment. She wants to be apart of everything but not do the minimal requirements. Is the system rigged? Yes, look at Bernie Sanders for example. He came up through the local system as an independent. Built a base and then went national where he is still an independent. He switched to Democrat for the president bid and got fucked over. However, he built a viable third party in Vermont and he is still and independent today. Stein is the new Tulsi Gabbard but with less support.

This was always an option and no one used it?

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Sounds like the secretary of the state fucked you. Not sure when they banned write-ins ( Every state should have it.)

I still stand by my main point, third parties need to put an effort in local elections to change the laws. You never hear about them during mid-terms. They only want the presidency and that will never happen.

Must have been the tv series. Terminator goes back to post crazy shit on porn sites.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Per the Republican caucus they didn't allow write-ins in Nevada. Looking at your post, those people will not help you. You should be looking for an actual candidate in your state that has a chance.

Jill Stein is not the one. She is a Putin simp. Her goal is to disrupt the Democrats chance to win. I know it sucks (I live in NC) but you need local winners for a third party. Eventually that will lead to a national third party.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Most states do and it sounds like you should worry about local more then federal if that's the case.


This would be a quick way to see of it's racist, close minded, or just straight bs.

Ex1- You want women to kill babies, boy!

Ex2- You want to feed the homeless, boy!


"Until sentence is imposed, all individuals covered by Paragraph (b)" -- referring to members of the court staff, the district attorney's staff and their families -- "must continue to perform their lawful duties free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm," Merchan wrote in the ruling.

And although he struck the portion of the gag order pertaining to jurors, Merchan wrote that it would be his "strong preference" to extend those protections because there remains "ample evidence to justify continued concern for the jurors."

Someone help make sense of this. Why would you lift the gag order off jurors but not yourself?


Don't worry everyone, it was an accident. We're sorry.


Not surprised unfortunately, anyone guessing not right-winger?


As a veteran, it is frustrating to deal with the government to prove exposure to toxins.

The PACT Act was meant to streamline all of this but the burden still falls on the veteran. How many have been exposed knowingly but due to the military not acknowledging it, can not get the required compensation for the problems?

Well, happy Veterans Day.


I recently decided to go back to school and get a job in the tech industry. I'm looking at cyber security but I'm not looked into that decision.

  1. What degree would you recommend someone to pursue?

  2. What field would you recommend after graduating?

  3. What would you tell someone to avoid at all cost?

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