
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 3 days ago

I've been daily driving Bazzite for about 3 months now and am really enjoying it. It's a gaming focused 'immutable' distro.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I agree completely. I don't want anyone let alone young people getting addicted to nicotine, but a straight up ban isn't gonna stop it. When I was a teen it was easy for me to get someone else to buy me smokes or booze or weed, just needed to pay a runners fee which was perfectly fine to me back then. Kids are dumb (so was I, no shade) they're gonna do what makes them look cool and helps them to fit in with their peers.

Idk what the answer is tbh, but straight up bans aren't it. That's just pushing it to the black market and taking away taxes.

[–] 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Unpopular opinion on lemmy but why not? Kids are gonna get their hands on nicotine no matter how hard it's regulated, same with booze and weed and cigarettes. Banning flavored juices just pisses off a lot of older vapers like me that have been vaping for years. I originally started to quit cigarettes, which I smoked for 6 years, and now 8 on the vape.

If I wanna poison my lungs, what business is that of anyone else's? Don't try and give me that bullshit about "think of the children" either, they're gonna get their hands on nicotine regardless whether that be through vaping or smoking. Vapes are the lesser evil, my lungs don't feel nearly as shitty as they did when I was smoking cigarettes. Anecdotal obviously and there aren't any long term studies on the effects of vaping (as far as I know at least) but I don't lose my breath walking up a small flight of stairs the way I did when I was smoking a lot.

You ban flavours and you're just pushing that to the black market. Sure I could just quit but that's insanely fucking hard and I've tried multiple times, and quite frankly I just don't want to at this point. My life sucks enough, let me have my fruity vapour for fuck sakes and quit trying to ban shit, the alcohol prohibition didn't work, keeping weed illegal didn't stop people from getting it, you're just taking a highly taxable product off the market. I don't wanna smoke nasty ass cigarettes, I like my peach flavoured vape juice.

I know lemmy has basically zero sympathy for nicotine addicts so I'm sure this will be heavily down voted but I just wanted to voice my opinion. Fuck off and let me live my life how I want to live it. Lung cancer or liver failure is basically my retirement plan since I'm otherwise gonna work until I drop dead anyways.

Edit: But I fully support banning disposable vapes. They're a huge waste and banning them would raise the barrier of entry for people that want to vape. I have to change my cotton every few days and change my coils every month or so, and it's fairly easy to mess up. Even premade coils with cotton already in them are a barrier to entry, I know a 30 year old dude that went back to smokes cause he's too lazy to buy new coils and change them when they start tasting bad.

Fuck disposable vapes. Adds a ton of unnecessary waste.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I've been using a computer on an almost daily basis for over a decade now, and before that I used one whenever I had the opportunity because I've loved computers since I was a kid. I'm 30 and have carpal tunnel in my mouse hand, not bad enough to get it surgically fixed, but I wear a wrist brace pretty much 24/7 at this point to keep the pain under control.

That said I agree with your point about using whatever you're comfortable with completely, just wanted to throw my own anecdotal experience out there for others to see. Everyone's different and what's fine for you or me may not be for others.

[–] 30 points 1 week ago

I like to think it's because they have fun keeping the toy away from you, the act of trying to get it away from them is part of the game!

God I love dogs.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Fuck close minded people, all my homies hate close minded people.


[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

That's completely fair and a good point that I hadn't considered. There are a lot of idiots on the internet that would unironically say things a lot of others would only say sarcastically, so I get the need for the /s tag and I'm probably being too judgemental about people that don't pick up on what I consider to be obvious sarcasm.

Thanks for sharing your point of view, I mean that genuinely! :)

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

It's honestly impressive, most lemmings seem even worse than redditors at picking up sarcasm.

Fuck the /s tag, all my homies hate the /s tag

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (9 children)
[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Do you not spend at least half of every day being angry about how much capitalism sucks? Filthy shitlib, you're no better than a right winger /s

It's no wonder the right is on the rise all around the world, they don't have "purity tests" the way a lot of left wingers do. They don't give a shit, if you support the cause then you're one of them.

But the left? "Oh you don't 100% support everything I want? Guess I'll just not vote because both sides are just as shitty"

To clarify, I'm an NDP voter which is the left most party in Canada.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Admins of .ml are trash as well.


The real way to defeat the witch king


Fuck you Nerys, tell your mum to tell Sisko's mum I'll be over late tonight!

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